Welcome to World of Potters international feedback portal.

On this page you can suggest ideas, vote for the ideas you like and help develop World of Potter.

All ideas and comments should must be in english.


Feedback in case of server or website crashes

Riiccyy 8 months ago updated by Fingal Portgas 5 months ago 1

Recently, World of Potter Germany and other WoX sites have been crashing more frequently. We, as paying users who invest several euros a month to have fun on the site, would like to receive some feedback as soon as such situations occur. If the site crashes, you're usually in the dark and don't know when it will be available again or what's going on.

Especially for users who value their achievements or the status of their pets or values with an expiration date, it is difficult to get back on track after the crash. Although it is usually possible for achievements to be reset or refunded, this inconvenience has increased recently.

We therefore suggest that a website be set up where you can track the server status of the various WoX pages. It would also be beneficial to have a social media channel (e.g. Instagram) where a status update is posted in the story as soon as there are known crashes. Maintenance work also sometimes passes you by, as you can't always be online to read the message at all until it arrives at the specified time and you no longer have any way of finding out what's going on.

In most cases, the operators themselves do not know when the website(s) will be back online, which is not a problem. However, we as users would like to be informed that they are working on it and perhaps be given an approximate time, such as: "It is not yet known when the problem can be solved."

This is a suggestion to improve communication between operators and users. Perhaps higher-ranking users with jobs and contacts to the site operators could pass on what is going on or, for example, create a post on Instagram when such problems occur.


Personalized notifications

Riiccyy 1 year ago updated by Gabriel Nightmare 1 year ago 1

I've often gotten the message that I shouldn't like the wall posts of some users with all my characters, because with 6 active and 8 inactive chars this can lead to the notification display being a bit cluttered and you might miss something like friend requests etc.

Personally, I like to like all the stuff at the pinboard on my chars when I feed them, don't ask me why... little tic or something :D That's why I'd like to make a suggestion. I imagine it would be more pleasant if you could personalize your notifications and say, for example, that you only want to get a red number in the bell at the top when someone has replied to a wall post or an RP, or has sent a friend request or made a relationship request, just that you can adjust everything individually in the settings about what you are notified about and what not.

I would appreciate a few upvotes and comments, maybe push or refine this idea a bit.


tool backgroundstories

Gabriel Nightmare 1 year ago updated 7 months ago 1

Hello :)

After a few months since the tool has been online, I'd like to share my thoughts on it.

First of all, here is a summary of my wishes:
- The BG team should get access to the backgroundstory tool
- it should be possible to read the sent confirmations and rejections in the outbox.
- also it should be possible to add people to these messages.
- another tool that shows changes in profile texts would save the team a lot of work and time.

- create a button with which you can see the code of the background story "applied" as with a code tester.


- Users love the ability to get feedback in the form of a checkmark!

- it simplifies the organization and work in the background story team.

- other users see right away if a background story is not compliant with the rules

- I love this tool :)


- the tool often marks whole sections as "new", although perhaps only a small thing has been changed in the HTML code.

- if only one image or link has been replaced, you have to go to the user's profile and find the place in the backgroundstory ... Keyword: Warner and other irregular images

1) Make the tool accessible for everyone in the background story team! Sometimes so many changes come that you can't handle it alone. We now have a system in the team that works quite well, but it is still extra work. Most of the time the members of the background story team rather than directly the leader of the team are the first point of contact for questions and problems. Therefore they should also have access to the tool. Analogous to the assistant teachers to the homework.
2) I would like to be able to read the sent messages. Sometimes you explain to a user why you rejected the change and set deadlines if necessary. Without access to these messages you have to start a new conversation as a reminder. 
3) You can not add other people to this conversation. Sometimes you make agreements with other people and you just want to add them to the message so that they have the text too (Minister of Magic, Head of School, leaders of other teams, ...).

4) Add a tool for changed profile texts! Often people also change their profile text. It would save the background stories team a lot of work if there would be information about changed profile texts AND background stories. Unnecessary checking and reading of the entire texts would no longer be necessary.

5.) create a button with which you can see the code of the background story "applied" as with a code tester.

Thank you for your attention. ♥

Cian Fitzpatrick
Leader of the background story team WoP.de


Other vip perks for professors

Sparkle 2 years ago updated by Violetta 2 years ago 1

It seems a bit odd that you as a professor get fewer perks than those with regular jobs. It would be really nice as a professor to get the organize pack, because you get a lot of owls with your job you need to keep track on. Relations would be a nice add, of course, since you have colleagues, and can keep track on if new users have been on your profile, and therefore can be more vigilant about contacting them. 

Something that might be sacrificed for teachers could be fast, as I find the other two things are more important to maintain a good overview to do your job as a professor well.


Maximum length for messages in chat

Gabriel Nightmare 2 years ago 0

Hello :) 

last week we suffered a very annoying kind of trolling. 

The person copied long texts into the chat. (I think it was even a compound PDF document!). To delete and time out, one had to scroll for what seemed like an eternity. Therefore, there should be a maximum length for chat messages! 

For example, 1000 characters. 

That should be enough characters for all necessary messages, but stop the above kind of trolling.

At the end of the day, a chat is only as good as its management, and a maximum message length can go a long way in improving it.

Greetings from WoP.de 



Iggy 2 years ago updated by Gabriel Nightmare 2 years ago 2

I understand the ads, I'm just asking if we can PLEASE remove them from the playing pitch (for all users)?

Everyone in League games should have a fair chance, and unfortunately due to the pop up ads, this is not the case.

Just recently we had a major issue with this, even though our player was online and ready, the ads were messing up so the questions were not appearing. 

Luckily there was major sportsmanship from everyone, so we managed to improvise through it, but I fear it may mess up in the future too!!! Please, remove the ads from the playing pitch...at least if it's only for the games!!! 

Other than that, loving the site, thanks ❤️ 


These ads are unprofessional

Glinda Rose 2 years ago updated by Vita Auden 2 years ago 2

While I can understand the use of ads for the sites, the current manner in which they are done is highly unprofessional. Their placement is ruining the usability of the sites' features. In particular, there's an ad at the bottom that keeps shunting up the chat box; this has a knock-on effect where, if you open the emojis then want to close them again, you cannot do so as the button gets covered by the emoji box. Please reconsider the placement of the ads (especially that bottom one) to make them less intrusive; WoX is quickly becoming one of those spammy clickbaity sites, it looks terrible and makes me want to click away from the site and do other things instead. Thanks.


Feedback on the new online status feature

Glinda Rose 4 years ago updated 4 years ago 4

Recently, there has been an addition to the sites of an online status feature, which involves a commonly used mechanism in the form of a coloured dot to display if you are online, offline or idle.

Firstly, I believe that this could overall be a positive addition to the sites, as in the past you could only use the map which defaulted to assuming that everyone was online, even if they were away from the keyboard. The additional clarity is useful in determining if someone is here or if they have stepped away for a bit. I also like the idea of a "ready to role-play" colour as this will help people to find active and willing users to role-play with.

I would like to suggest some amendments to the way it has been executed. At the moment, the use of the online status feature is made available through 100 forum posts. By default, all users have a green dot next to their name. This creates a discrepancy where users might display as being "online" even if they are away from their keyboard. For the users who have unlocked the feature, any attempt to display themselves as "online" may be overlooked, as they will get caught in a sea of the meaningless green dots of other users. In reality, the only way the feature comes in useful is if a user who's unlocked the feature has set themselves to "away" or "ready to role-play."

Furthermore, I feel there is a missed opportunity for encouraging collaboration among the users. The "ready to role-play" option is a great idea, but only possible to use after 100 forum posts. This suggests you must have done quite a lot of role-playing already. In reality, it is the newer users who will be the most keen to meet other users and find role-playing partners. Why not have this available to them? It would certainly help new players to know if anyone is particularly suitable to reach out to.

Another interesting quirk is the fact of this feature being initiated through chat. I fear that, by using this method, it may cause more spam in the chat rooms, especially if there are users who come and go a lot, and especially on larger sites with lots of active users. It is easy enough to see the online status dot next to a user's name on the map; therefore, one should only need to change the colour of the dot in their settings, and a chat message should not be necessary.

Finally, I wonder if this is perhaps an attempt to inspire more site activity by rewarding role-play? If so, I think you could still do this, but with a different sort of reward. Personally, I'd be all for receiving a special item as a reward for activity and participation - ideally, something that gives a leg up with game play or is useful in some way. Or maybe something visually cool, like the option to display your name in an honour bar?

So, to summarise, here are the amendments I suggest:

  • Keep the online status feature, but detach it from the role-play achievement; this creates consistency across the board in regard to a user's online status.
  • In its place, create something else that serves as a reward for lots of role-play, as this does inspire activity and dedication.
  • Modify the online status feature so that is not associated with chat, but can be changed from your settings instead.

Thank you for your consideration.


Adding rabbits to the Magic Menagerie

Meala 4 years ago updated by Kayte / Angela 4 years ago 1

The Magic Menagerie was just updated recently with more animals such as bats, cobra snakes, and dogs. However, I find that it has missed rabbits, and I hope it could add rabbits in there. 


Rabbits are domestic animals, and quite a large population keep rabbits in the US, 3-7 million pet rabbits in 2014, and 42% out of the small pet animals owned in 2010.


Even when creatures such as cobra snakes, bats, fwooping birds(whatever they are called), and other wild and rather rare creatures are added, the relatively common house pet rabbits are still not added.

And after all, rabbits were mentioned as being pets too in the books. 

I really really hope rabbits could be added.


Speedier Feeding Process for Pets

Saffie Leabrook 5 years ago updated by World of Potter 3 years ago 1

There might already have been some mention of this in the past, but I couldn't see anything regarding this particular suggestion xD so here I gooo

For people who have only one pet and just need to duck into their chest, click once or twice and begone, the current system of pet feeding works well enough. For people with more pets, though, or even just hungry pets, the current system is a little tedious, and can be a bit of a pain when you have to keep ducking back and forth and refreshing to see how full your respective pets' hunger bar has grown. So what if there was a way to cut out the "middle man" and feed pets directly from the pet page? 

Essentially, my suggestion is that when you click the cog at the top right of a pet, beside the change name/set free/etc options, there would be another button: 'Feed'. If you have no food in your chest, an error would pop up (much the same as it would if you tried to cuddle two times in two seconds); if you had enough food, you would be able to quickly click 'Feed' for all your pets from the pet page itself. You'd be able to feed while already stepping onto the page to cuddle them, and would be able to assess just how full or empty their bar is as you do so, as it progressively rises. Plus, it would save a heck of a lot of effort for people with loads of pets, hungry pets or both, who have to scroll for ages and keep on continuously clicking and hunting for the right name in the process of feeding. 

Based on the amount of food in your chest, the 'Feed' option could also use up multiple items of food to fill up the entire bar, but I understand if that option isn't as possible as just clicking 'Feed' once, and using one item of food. I know there's also more than one type of pet food – maybe a small pop-up appears after you click 'Feed' asking which item of food you wish to use as well? Just a bunch of ideas to contribute to the overall concept of a button which could make the process smoother, quicker, and easier for everybody involved ;)