Welcome to World of Potters international feedback portal.

On this page you can suggest ideas, vote for the ideas you like and help develop World of Potter.

All ideas and comments should must be in english.


Make making clubs free

Vladimire Dracula 6 years ago updated by World of Potter 6 years ago 6 1 duplicate

Becoming an Animagus

Max Mors 7 years ago updated by World of Potter 6 years ago 4

So i came up with a really cool (and also difficult) way of how one could become an Animagus on the site, which they can then use in RP'ing! It would also add that you are one too your profile, something to be proud of!

first you need to have completed the transfiguration lessons about Animagus!

So step one would be to hold the mandrake leaf in your mouth for a month (or one IRL week). this could be done by people buying a mandrake leaf and making it so that they'd have to consume a mandrake once every few hours (this would require being active)

the next part would be the daily reciting of Amato Animo Animato Animagus which you could make a quest too owl that sentence to a person(you could even go for a different person) each day. You could also make them put it in chat or a text box specially made for it.

At the end you should brew this potion:

  1. Place the now-soaked Mandrake leaf in a small crystal phial where it is struck directly by the light given off by the moon (if the night is cloudy or the moon is otherwise obscured, the entire Mandrake Leaf process will need to be repeated).
  2. Add one strand of hair to the phial.
  3. Add a teaspoon of dew to the phial.
  4. Add one Death's-head Hawk Moth chrysalis to the phial and place the mixture in a dark, undisturbed place until the next lightning storm.

this would require a high level potions course to be completed. Maybe 5th or even 6th year! and a person would need all the ingredients in there inventory (which they can of course buy in the store.)

they can then consume the potion and they would need to answer a list of questions to determine what kind of Animagus they are. You could add a lot of different animals, making it quite unique when 2 persons share the same animal

It would be a long progress that would require activity to be completed, but when completed it can be something to be very proud of!

You can change certain parts of the execution i wouldn't mind, i just like the idea a lot

Thanks a lot all <3





World of Potter 6 years ago

Animagus is a status that you win in a competition on the site.



. . 7 years ago updated by anonymous 2 years ago 5

In order to have a better forum, I think the staff can add an advertise when players obtain enough exams to be in the next period and don't have to wait the end of the "week" to know the results


skip exams

Kybjosh 7 years ago updated by World of Potter 7 years ago 1

personally i RP on this site. this is why it annoys me that you MUST make exams to pasd to the next year. i did them last time and i will do them now but maybe a button where you can skip exams so you pass and you can keep RPing without having to worry about the exams because when you dont like the homework aspect those do suck

World of Potter 7 years ago

Most of the exams can be passed by just googling the questions, so you don't necessarily have to attend the lessons or do the homework to pass your exams. Also, to keep it realistic, exams are necessary to move to the next year.


Rule change

Atti995 3 years ago updated by World of Potter 3 years ago 11

Hello Dear WOP Community, I would like to propose a rule change as I find this rule very questionable.

It's about the rule that we have users from 13 should always write very youth-free and in RP's and chat can always write normally.

I find this rule very questionable as I think it belongs in HP universe of death and torture both in the movies as well as in the books to see or read. Because from the 2 part of HP the death belongs to movies and we adults have to hold back because of children ?

Children who play Call of Duty or Fortnite cursing themselves also throw around with the death and expressions that I find very strange.

I do not want it to be allowed to insult or something just that you can bring in his RPG also a torture or death with what you can do at the moment only in owls more not and I find that just very inappropriate therefore my proposal that it is allowed in RPG or homework to include the death and torture because he belongs in the Harry Potter universe and to forbid that just because we young people it will hardly bother or you make a or make an extra area only for adults which will contain RPG and only users who are 18+ will be able to see this area because otherwise I personally have to admit I think it's a pity to leave this out although it belongs to the HP universe maybe I'm not alone but such a change has to be we live in 2021 where you can include death and torture in RPG homework and so on therefore a rule change ! .

The statement it is a rule of pages owner any rule can be changed and in my opinion this rule must be changed urgently not only for me but for all who want to make a real HP RPG !

greetings Sebastian Raynor