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On this page you can suggest ideas, vote for the ideas you like and help develop World of Potter.
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Recently updated topics 2,033

Dark/Night Mode
I have thought of this yesterday while doing site work at an unreasonably late hour. As you might guess there are many users that access WoP at night, and often in a dark setting. The theme of WoP is lovely, however, it can be difficult on the eyes with all of its light colours and adjusting the brightness of the screen doesn't really help because after one point all it does is making everything more difficult to see. That's why I decided to propose a Dark/Night Mode. It would be fairly easy to implement as we would just have to change the colour scheme slightly or invert the backgrounds and texts. It could be selected from the User Settings or from a slider that would be located at the bottom left corner when you scroll all the way down. The colours of the usernames would stay the same to avoid confusion with the now white text. I made a preview of what it could look like by inverting the colours.
Please keep in mind that this suggestion is NOT to replace the current theme, but introduce an additional and optional one that you can choose if you want to.

Trade chocolate frogs cards
We have the cards now, and I love that idea, but a lot of people seem to get the same ones so what if you could trade cards with other people? That would make collecting easier and more fun.

App for people on the go
I have a really cool idea for an app version of WoP, this app would include all of the basic things on WoP such as owls, chats, Etc. However there wold be mini games, like quidditch and wizard duels, for you to earn sickles as well as house points.

Equip clothing
You can equip house robes, quidditch robes, and so on. That way, when someone goes to your profile, they can see what your character is wearing.

Editing/Deleting Posts
I think it would be nice, if we were able to edit and/or delete our posts (Profile & Forum)
Sometimes you make small mistakes that you notice just as it is posted or you might change your mind about something, then it would be nice to be able to fix that (by either deleting and rewriting them or editing them)

Relashionship status
Either link to the specific person, or just "single" "married" "it's complicated" "pizza" etc...

Backstory Team Feature to Approve Backstories
The backstory team spends a lot of time checking backstories of users. That’s why I feel like there should be a function to see what they actually do, also visible for other users.
So I thought of a feature with a function to leave a mark on the profile of a user with an approved backstory. (See image below) I think that would really make it more interesting to spend time on writing a backstory.
The blue check mark behind the name means that the profile is correct.
"Backstory Correct:" is a function added for the backstory team to make sure a profile is correct. With a simple yes or no you can make sure that the profile has been checked correctly by the backstory team. This function has to be editable at all times.
I also would love to see that approved profiles end up in a ‘check again’ list in the admin panel. When they change their backstories. This list should be accessible for every backstory member. (See Image below.) This would make it much more efficient to check profiles. It also would filter the inactive users.

After discussing this topic it was considered that this is not possible. Backstories change approximately once an IG year, sometimes even more often. Every year at least the age is changed, sometimes also pictures, names and codes. This feature would mean a lot of work for the backstory team, since every small change would make the profile pop up again in admin section, and things like age changes or new friends in backstories don't need constant revision. It would put more pressure on the bs teams and not necessarily more order. The only positive thing it would do is sort out the inactive profiles, but the bs teams on the several sites already do a great job on that without the feature!
Furthermore, as it was already mentioned above, if the checkmark was visible for everyone, it could lead people to pester the the bs teams about getting it. If it was only visible for management it wouldn't make much sense, since they usually know when something is up with a backstory.
So, although many of you wished for this, we decided that it's not a feature that we 're going to have on WoP. We're very sorry for any disappointment, but thank you a lot for all your input and ideas!

Multi-Opening for cards
It is rly annoying to open every single chocolate frog card. Especially when you own a lot. It would be awesome, if there was a "open 10 times" or at least "open 5 times"-Button

Add folders to owlery
You could create folders in your owlery, and you could rename them, for example "Quidditch" - I could add all the owls regarding Quidditch I have to that folder. Kind of like this:
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