Bank Loans
Hello! I love WoP but I do have a suggestion... bank Loans. These would be just like loans in the Muggle World where you could apply to get a certain amount of money and then have to pay it back by a certain day. I think this would be a good thing people who maybe can't afford very many things to still have options for things. Thank you! Please email me with any questions you may have!
Customer support service by UserEcho
Hello! I guess this would break the purpose of having to earn money by yourself, whether it's at the beginning of your adventure on a WoX site, or after that. There are many ways to earn galleons (or equivalent currency), the total amount of your savings can climb quickly if you don't spend unnecessarily when you don't have much money and if you use your bank account wisely. On most sites, new users or people who don't have enough money to afford school supplies can ask in chat if anyone could lend them what they need to register in one or a few courses. There are also people with a lot of items in their chest who are willing to give them what items they have more than once. Similarly, some sites have set an item donation system so that users can get for free the items they need if they're on the list. These are ideas which were brought and experimented by the WoX community for years and work quite well.
Thus I personally don't see the point of bank loans. There already is the option to pay for more galleons with IRL money, if you really want to get more without being active on site before.