Welcome to World of Potters international feedback portal.

On this page you can suggest ideas, vote for the ideas you like and help develop World of Potter.

All ideas and comments should must be in english.


Relax the rules on what you can/can't do in an RPG forum

Glinda Rose 8 years ago updated by World of Potter 6 years ago 6

I find there are a lot of seemingly innocent topics started by people looking to have some fun, only to be shortly abandoned after a prefect jumps in to tell them "you can't do that", about something innocuous. Obviously you want the RPG forum to be as realistic as possible. However I feel that perhaps some people get put off by all the hefty restrictions. For example, getting told "You can't do that spell because it's a higher year..." And yet, Hermione produced a polyjuice potion in her 2nd year, and Harry conjured a Patronus in his third. There are ways around it, that's all I'm saying.

Perhaps it might be an idea to slightly relax on the restrictions a bit? This way people won't feel like their creativity is getting squashed, and are able to experiment more. There are some really good ideas out there that can't be properly executed because the minute they try they get told they can't do it.


This is so lovely 😊

Alisa Sara 8 years ago updated by World of Potter 7 years ago 3

Image 66

World of Potter 7 years ago

This is not the right place for this, even though it is nice that you found the feedback function. But this area here is to share ideas to implement on the site, but not for sharing gifs. :)


Cheaper Quidditch Equipment

Yeison Shultz 8 years ago updated by SemillonIvaNova 4 years ago 4

Who can honestly earn close to 2,000 Galleons for a broom?? There should be more ways to earn Galleons.


A way to edit messages aftter they've been sent through the chat like how discord does it

Samuel Smith 4 years ago updated by World of Potter 4 years ago 5

ban appeal SHOULD BE ADDED

aliyah isaac 4 years ago updated by World of Potter 4 years ago 4

i am a banned user and i think JUST bc i'm 9 means i get BANNED, i'm used to cuss words, blood, gore ect, so please put this in here!!!! give us another chanse!!!


Contact staff button

Jelina Emilia Hansen 7 years ago updated by World of Potter 6 years ago 7

I think it would be great to have a contact button on the frontpage or under others, where you can fill a formular to tell your problem. I often have trouble finding out who I should talk to and it would be easier on the staffs owls if it was in a formular where technical staff, MoM, Headmaster, leaders and maybe heads of the houses could go in and see whats wrong and take the tasks they can when they have time. That way everyone doesn't contact one, but contact a team, so it is easier to handle. And the staff wouldn't have to say "you have to contact Valentine" because he would then also see the trouble, if only he can handle it.


IG - Birthday cake

Harri J. Toepfer 7 years ago updated by World of Potter 5 years ago 5 1 duplicate

It would be great if the birthday cake appeared on the date of the IG-Birthday of the character and not on the RL-Date (because many people didn't use their real birthday, but the birthday of the character).


Wizard cards collection-shop

marialouiseje 7 years ago updated by World of Potter 7 years ago 2

I don't know about you guys, but for some reason, I'm always really unlucky when getting new cards and no matter how many new frogs I buy, I always end up with cards I already have. So I was thinking that maybe we could create a shop, so the idea is true to the World of Potter-universe already. It's not like it should be possible to buy all cards in one day. It would be awesome to make a limited number of the cards and maybe do it by a randomizer, so there's only like 10 cards per day where at it's only possible to buy a maximum of 2 or 3 cards per day in the shop. 


Fixing the Frog Emoji to Become Less Creepy

aSTARia 7 years ago updated by World of Potter 7 years ago 10

The frog emoji in chat currently is very creepy and needs to be fixed. This is a bit of a bug but apparently I cannot put this there. If the frog emoji could become more user friendly and less creepy, it would make everyone's time in chat a more enjoyable experience. On top of this, no users will be upset by losing the emoji.

Thank You.

World of Potter 7 years ago

It's an emoji. Everyone will have their own opinions on the emojis and some will dislike others more than others. If you do not enjoy the emoji, simply don't use it and leave chat if it's being used.

(A bug is something that is malfunctioning on the site or something that is happening that was unintentional.)


Html profiles

Nemfey 7 years ago updated by World of Potter 7 years ago 2

I want to propose an idea. It would be great, that everyone could edit their profile text with HTML. It could be for everyone not only for VIP players. Thanks for reading.

World of Potter 7 years ago

The possibilty to code the profiles is one of the hugest advantages of a VIP membership, and since this is what people are paying for and by that finance all the WoP sites, we can't make it free for everyone. Sorry.