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Alchemy - once more
beloved World of Potter-Fellows,
I am opening a topic that was declined once. I was very sad when this
happend because I know many Users wished for it. I am talking about
the school subject ‘Alchemy‘. So today, I present to you five
reasons why this subject should be taught in Hogwarts:
It is an elective subject offered at Hogwarts for 6th and 7th years
- It would be more realistic when we teach this subject, because Rowling herself said that this is a subject in Hogwarts. Also many WoP-Sites even have books about this subject in their libraries.
It is an ancient study and as those very important to preserve
- You can compare Alchemy with chemistry. Our Chemistry is kind of the modern/muggle Version of Alchemy but it is much more than potions. In Potions they would never teach you how to brew gold. It is a combination from many different subjects (Potions, Transfiguration, Astronomy, Herbology). The teacher for Alchemy could make it a requirement to have the OWL in those subjects if you want to take the class. Beside the fact this subject is offered in the last two years in Hogwarts it shows that this is a very important subject to teach the students how it is to work as a savant. And we know, that there are still witches and wizards who are actively studying and practicing Alchemy in the twentieth century.
There are tons of references in the Harry Potter Books
- For example ‘Philosophers Stone‘, ‘Nicholas Flamel‘ (who is not only in Harry Potter but a real alchemist. JKR has not imagend him by herself), Albus Dumbledore himself was an alchemist and as a little fun fact: Rubeus Hagrids and Albus Dumbledores firstnames were chosen based on alchemy. They mean ‚red‘ and ‚white‘ and that are both colors being essential mystical elements of the process. Also the subject was first mentioned in the first book (Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone ← It‘s in the title, come on guys!)
It is a philosophical subject
- Discussing topics like having the power to live eternally, transmutating lead to gold or perform other alchemistic wonders to make your life easier or more perfect could be part of the syllabus as well. Historically Alchemy has always been the art of perfecting both the human body and soul, as the so well known Transmutation (lead to gold) is more of an analogy for human perfection. Students could discuss what follows if everything is perfect and maybe all to equal.
More possibilities after your graduation in Hogwarts
- Focussing on the future of WoP, it would be such a pleasure if students would have the chance to attend alchemy classes. With their knowledge they could support Healers (just as an example, beside many others).
So. I hope you understand now why it is so important to teach this subject in Hogwarts! Please do not decline it a second time. It would break many little hearts.
Marlene Harris
We've talked about this, and we still don't want it as a course in school, but we will be working on adding it as a graduation course!
Creativity reward for homework
This would be a box that a grader can tick while grading an assignment. The text would say "creative", and it can be ticked whenever the grader feels that the student was really creative in their work.
I know some lessons here on the site state that creativity will be rewarded (which it can't, you have to give an O if all requirements are met, regardless of creativity), but that is a false promise. But this option would make it real.
How would this work, you might ask? Per grader that ticks the "creative" box, the student who made the homework receives 2 galleons. So if 2 people tick the box, the student would get 4 galleons, and if all 5 people tick the box, the student would receive 10 galleons.
This is a fun way to promote being creative while making homework. People like having money - who doesn't? - and by putting a little more effort into your homework, you can earn some!
With the creativity box, people who are creative with their homework will not earn any extra house points. I left those out on purpose because a lot of people like helping their house out with the points, but some might have great difficulty writing. I think they should receive the same amounts of house points, be it just for trying.
It also doesn't influence the grade you get, since getting EE's all the time might be rather discouraging. The notification you get telling you your homework has been rewarded with Outstanding is amazing and people should not miss out on that just because of reasons they can't do anything about.
Calender Overview
I have a nice little idea for the calender.
I often noticed that users were missing the overview what happens the following month or year.
As a result, I’ve got an idea.
How about a calendar symbol you can click on, which results in a bigger calendar to appear with more specific and detailed information
An Example: (HTML Code Link: https://www.w3schools.com/code/tryit.asp?filename=FQ1TDW49POPN)
This idea can be extended or developed. Events in the near future could be painted in a specific colour ( for example, the valentines day event)
Care for pets
You can take care for the pets you buy by feeding and playing with them
Deleting run away pets
As many discovered, if you are not super present your pets may run away. If they do, they will just haunt your profile because there is nothing one can do to get their pets back.
I think that there should be the possibility to just delete from your profile the pets that runs away OR there should be the possibility to get those back after some time, paying or doing something else.
Payment for Housejobs
Dear players,
on the sites, there are numerous different jobs. It is very unfortunate, however, that the works in the houses are unpaid. This way, neither the quidditch team nor the writers of the newspapers, or any other job get compensation for their efforts.
That is why I wished there was some kind of universal job, allocated by the heads of houses.
Having one of these jobs would not grant the holder a coloured job or any additional permissions, like writing on the bulletin board. It would, however, be paid, like any other job (at the time of writing, a regular, official job earns 20 galleons per week).
The notification could read: you have been paid for your work in the house.
It is truly unfortunate that the people that take over all these different works in their house get no real compensation, only what they may get from their respective head of house.
Option to filter active users on Marauders Map
Hi there!
Allow me to introduce myself! I am Jane Roseworth, currently the backstory leader on WoPnl, as I have been for a while. I would like to make a proposal for an option on the Marauders Map where you can filter active users the same way we are now able to filter name, age, year, sex, house, and blood status. This would make it a lot easier for me and my team to check the profiles of active users.
Aside from this, it would be a good addition to the site for all users, as it will be easier to find people amongst just the active users as opposed to everyone who ever made an account. Because we have a count of 'active users' set on the start url of every WoX I assume there is a way to keep track of this.
Thank you for your consideration!
Extra button grading system
As a teacher I see that some people accidentally grade 'acceptable' because that's the grade that is stated automatically. They forget to change the grade to the one that matches the feedback. Also there are sometimes troll-graders, who just grade stuff without reading, give feedback and send it in.
My idea is to put another option in the list, which will be selected automatically, in stead of the acceptable button: make your choice. And that option can't be submitted. So people won't forget to select a grade.
Co-admins/moderators in clubs
It would be nice if you could change the rank of the members of your club, so that they, along with you, could be able to customise the club, accept club applications and so on.
More possible relationships
We just got the relationship thingie on World of Potter and I love it already, thanks for adding it to the site!
There is one thing though, some relationships are more complicated than the options we have now. Here is a list met things I like to see added, but feel free to comment if you have more ideas
- Enemy
- (Normal) Friend
- It is complicated
- Uncle / Aunt
- Adopted child / Adoption parent
- Nephew / Niece
- Sibling
- Half-sibling
- Frenemy
- Crush (on)
- Ex
- Roommate
- Rivals
- Neighbours
- More than friends
- Colleagues
- Drinking buddies
- Bromance / Sismance
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