Welcome to World of Potters international feedback portal.

On this page you can suggest ideas, vote for the ideas you like and help develop World of Potter.

All ideas and comments should must be in english.


See wrong answers on an exam

Jada Nightflame 8 years ago updated by World of Potter 6 years ago 7

You would be able to see which question(s) you got wrong, because it's not fun to be left wondering. Plus, it could help the other students, if you think that the answer that the teacher said is right, is actually wrong. You could owl the teacher about it and they could review it then.

World of Potter 6 years ago

As you will take the exam next year, we don't want you to get the answers.


Pin posts on your own wall!

Saffie Leabrook 6 years ago updated by World of Potter 4 years ago 10

Like with club forums (and similar to the option on Facebook), it could be nifty to have an option to pin posts onto the top of your wall so it's the first/topmost thing users see when they enter your page. 

For example, this would be fantastically helpful if you had posted a week prior notifying people of an absence, but there was activity on your wall since. The post wouldn't get lost and would immediately catch the attention of whoever comes onto your wall (perhaps they came to see where you've been, but they couldn't tell since the absence notice got lost without pinning!). If there are motivational or kind posts you want to pin so users can see and have their hearts warmed, another form of important notice people should read, or literally anything else, then the option to pin would be wonderful! 

As it's possible in forums, it doesn't seem too far-fetched that it could be done for personal walls.


Shopping Basket

sastanley013 7 years ago updated by eos 3 years ago 8 1 duplicate

An addition to shopping would be a basket so you can buy multiple items at once instead of going to the top of the page and scrolling through. It would also be good to keep track of how much you are spending in one store.


House Ghost

Chloe Lovegood 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 7

Image 6

House Ghost : It's Dead Fun!

Boo! What's this idea? I hope you continue to read, because I think it's possibly great!

House Ghost would be a job like an event team master. We already have leaders of Cheer Teams, Quidditch and Homework corners- but what about an overall planner for the house? The House Ghost would be the head of creating events like parties in the house chats or making competitions which are specific to the common room! They would also work closely with the HoH to figure out gifts for user participation. Their job is to make sure that the mood is good in the different house.

Table of House Ghost information:

The House Ghost is a deceased role, and their backstory must work accordingly. They can be of any chosen age. Adds to the realism of the role which the House Ghost is playing- they will also topic this way. The house ghost is reset to alive and backstory must change appropriately
The House Ghost takes the job colour of Grey and can be found in the job list. This works well with the "Ghost" theme and makes it easy to find them. The House Ghosts colour is lost.
The House Ghost is not around to enforce the rules, but should try and keep a good mood in their own house chat. Adds the the role- they are there to make everyone enjoy their time on WoP!
The House Ghost is in charge of organising Parties. Remember Nearly Headless Nick's party?? Just like that- just with more alive people!The House Ghost passes on all title to the next house ghost.
The House Ghost is just awesome. That is all

World of Potter 8 years ago

It is a good idea, but the different houses should already have teams doing this.


Wizard's chess

Zeny 8 years ago updated by World of Potter 6 years ago 4 3 duplicates

A room/function where you can play chess against random users or by challenging friends on the site. Maybe through having the item 'Wizard's Chess' or just as an option in a corridor somewhere?


Quidditch Player Symbol/Status

Abigail Baines 8 years ago updated by World of Potter 6 years ago 9 1 duplicate

Maybe we could add a symbol for the Quidditch players or a status on the profile on their page so that people know who is on the Team?

It is really hard to get hold of players from other houses when there is a problem because not everyone knows who is on the team.

And if not for every player then maybe at least Captains and Co-Captains? It would be a great help to be able to find each other quickly should there be a problem.


Updates when rules change

karla muenzner 8 years ago updated by World of Potter 4 years ago 2

There have been several times when new rules were added to the page, e.g. after the new in-game chatroom appeared, regarding the use of housetag in the chat or themes that shouldn't be taken up in topics. It would be great to get an owl that told us that there are new rules, instead of finding out about them when one does something wrong (that happened a lot with the housetag, for example).


Discipline for Inappropriate Behavior or Wrong Grading- Alternative to Expulsion or being banned from site

Molly Huff 7 years ago updated by Alderson 5 years ago 5

Alternative to Expulsion or being banned from the site that may make a bigger impact on misbehaving students: Give all Teachers, TA, Prefects, Head of House, The Management and Head Mistress power or option to individually punish the student who is behaving inappropriately or who has graded an assignment wrongly. This would be classified as a detention and would go on a students permanent site record. 

Students can be punished by having a locked site for a certain amount of time via timer (like 30 minutes or something) - similar to the fainting in the hospital ward, you can loose house and individual points of large quantity- up to the discretion of the one doing the punishing (like ranging from 5-200 points per incident based on severity), they can lock up your account-allowing for you to view and access the owl and certain punishment areas, until you fulfill various tasks (e.g. reply to an owl, create an action plan for correcting your behavior, writing you will not do something 100 times and sending it in, a long word counted essay about something (e.g. write a 500 word essay on how to treat others respectfully), grade homework- but don't receive incentive points - only loose house points or receive more homework to grade before you can play again, make you do service work for a club or something for a certain amount of time or tasks (e.g. 20 hours of service, or 20 tasks for x club), or what ever else you can think of to punish students without expelling or banning them from the site for inappropriate behavior. 

Regardless of the punishment, the punisher  should have to owl who ever they are giving the punishment to and tell them why or have an established form that will get sent to the student but also put on the student's permanent record in the site. The student will receive the right to dispute, however if in fault and trying to get out of it, student will be punished further. I definitely feel that students will actually take it seriously like back in grade school if we were to do this approach.

An example form may include the following information:

Name of the Student

Date/Time/Location of Incident

Reporter/ Punisher For Incident

What is the student being accused of?

If re-occurring incident- previous linked incident (more offenses= harsher punishment)

Did the student receive warnings of their behavior? Is it repetitive? If so, how many?

What punishment is being assigned and why?

World of Potter 7 years ago

Alhtough this idea is very creative and we appreciate it, we have to decline it. When students misbehave on the site, they get warnings and if that doesn't help, further actions will be taken. It would lead to a lot of confusion if there were so many options for punishment that can be given by so many different people. It would very likely also lead to misuse at some point, and many people would start to fight the decisions/punishments or simply won't do them. 


​ Free VIP for those students who have a job on the site

Pilar Cañadas Toledo 7 years ago updated by World of Potter 7 years ago 11

In World of Potter (and the other sites like World of Thrones or World of Walkers), all the users that are part of a team, either create content (like librarians, journalists, plot team or SO-ME team members) or make sure that the rules for a better use of the web are being followed by the rest of the users (like prefects, assistant teachers or members of the backstory team). Adults have a great responsibility, but they could not do 100% of their job without the help of those students who are part of their team, those who strive hard to contribute to the growth of the page day by day.

Each team has a task in the web page and everyone does their job with pleasure, but this takes a lot of time that could be used in doing other things in the web to enjoy it. Students are only paid 20 galeons per job weekly, which is alright compared to the 45 galeons adults get paid (it is still a low salary), but the difference is adults also get ‘paid’ with the VIP membership. Most of the students do not feel their job is being recognized even if they receive those 20 galeons, as they do not feel it is enough compared to the time spent on fulfilling the duties of each position.  

We believe that a way to reward the students that time spent is giving them the VIP membership for free, like it is given to the adult staff. That way users would do their job comfortably and feel valued while doing it. Without each one of them, these sites would not work as well as they do nowadays, because everyone has an important role, even if they are students.

Also, if every staff member got a free VIP membership, more people would want to have a job, contributing to the growth of the site, and that way new users would crave the VIP membership as they would see that a lot of users have it and can do way more things than them.

World of Potter 7 years ago

Thank you for all your input.

Needless to say, we appreciate everyone doing a job, but we can't give everyone on the site free VIP for now.

We will keep all your input in mind when discussing this in the future, but for now, we are closing this.


Shortcut to Clubs - Top 3

Vita Auden 7 years ago updated by World of Potter 4 years ago 17 2 duplicates

So, there was the new shortcut to house clubs added

Image 152
This is really cool, but it would be awesome, if there was a possibility to get a top 3 of clubs there, so if you are a leader of a team or even just a member of a team, then it is much easier to enter the club.