
​ Free VIP for those students who have a job on the site

Pilar Cañadas Toledo 7 years ago updated by World of Potter 7 years ago 11

In World of Potter (and the other sites like World of Thrones or World of Walkers), all the users that are part of a team, either create content (like librarians, journalists, plot team or SO-ME team members) or make sure that the rules for a better use of the web are being followed by the rest of the users (like prefects, assistant teachers or members of the backstory team). Adults have a great responsibility, but they could not do 100% of their job without the help of those students who are part of their team, those who strive hard to contribute to the growth of the page day by day.

Each team has a task in the web page and everyone does their job with pleasure, but this takes a lot of time that could be used in doing other things in the web to enjoy it. Students are only paid 20 galeons per job weekly, which is alright compared to the 45 galeons adults get paid (it is still a low salary), but the difference is adults also get ‘paid’ with the VIP membership. Most of the students do not feel their job is being recognized even if they receive those 20 galeons, as they do not feel it is enough compared to the time spent on fulfilling the duties of each position.  

We believe that a way to reward the students that time spent is giving them the VIP membership for free, like it is given to the adult staff. That way users would do their job comfortably and feel valued while doing it. Without each one of them, these sites would not work as well as they do nowadays, because everyone has an important role, even if they are students.

Also, if every staff member got a free VIP membership, more people would want to have a job, contributing to the growth of the site, and that way new users would crave the VIP membership as they would see that a lot of users have it and can do way more things than them.



Thank you for all your input.

Needless to say, we appreciate everyone doing a job, but we can't give everyone on the site free VIP for now.

We will keep all your input in mind when discussing this in the future, but for now, we are closing this.


I think it's a great idea! Everyone works hard for the page, we deserve the VIP. As a prefect, I would like to have the chat in my mobile in case it's needed.


It’s a pretty good idea, finally someone says this!


That's a great idea tbh! Even tho I have the VIP membership,  many people feel a little discouraged (I include myself) with working in the page everyday and only wining 20 galeons. Maybe we will feel a bit more encouraged when our reward has been comparable with the work we do.


it's a great idea and I think that it's necessary


It is a very good idea since this will make more people buy the VIP when they see others use it as well as being a good reward for the work they do.


I am adult staffmember and student staffmember on two different WoP sites, and I agree on the fact that eventhough they help the website working well and the community stay peaceful, student staffmembers can often feel a bit discouraged by the lack of... gratefulness of the other users. And yes, 20 galleons isn't that much at all for all the work we sometimes have to do - and the time we spend to do it.

However, as an adult staffmember on WoP FR, I firmly believe that there has to be a difference between the wages of adult and student staffmembers. As a part of the Management Team, I spend lots of time communicating with my team, making sure it works well and being the most cheerful and helpful I can in all the chatrooms of the site - that's pretty normal, and that's what every user should basically do. However, I spend most of my time as a Leader in the adult staff Skype group, discussing about some "problematic" users, reporting bad mood, debating about the rules, and rushing to translate last minutes functionnalities. I also cope with adult and students Quidditch, which means I have to find time to make questions, to train the teams, to review the rules and to ref the games (and even with all the work I provide, I often feel like other users don't really care).

In a nutshell, I spend around 1 hour per day as a student staffmember, and around 3 hours per day as an adult staffmember

This difference  makes me believe that there also has to be a difference in the rewards I get. If the student staff gets rewarded more, then the adult staff has to be rewarded more as well.


From what I know, the adult staff gets paid 45 galleons for being staff, 45 for their job and 45 more if they rule the house board, plus the VIP, while the students only get 20 galleons. I think we are talking about a pretty big difference there. Also, we are not only focusing on the money or the rewards students get, but also on the recognition for the work they do. If they are not being recognized by other users, what's the big deal with giving them that small reward? 

As a student I give so much to WoP ES: I am part of the Quidditch team of my house, as well as the captain and member of the Duel team of my house too, I am a journalist in The Quibbler and a columnist in my house board. I do many things and I don't get the recognition I deserve, and that happens to most of my mates.


I don't know what kind of student job you have or what you exactly do, but I think students should get a bit more. I never said they should get the same as adults or more than them, but a bit more won't kill anybody. It's the opposite, people would be much more motivated if this was a system to give them recognition. Yes, maybe adults should get paid more because they can't grade homework and get galleons that way, but the VIP should be kind of a recognition for both adults and students on doing their jobs efficiently. 

I absolutely agree on the fact that students who have a job are way to often underpaid and underrecognized. I am currently member of the Backstory Team, leader of the Ravenclaw Party Team, Quidditch Co-Captain and Gossip Eagle on WoP EU, and I perfectly get your point when you say the rewards I, you, and we, get, isn't as big as we all feel we deserve. 

Actually, I wouldn't be against a (big) augmentation in our wages in galleons for example.

The point is, adult staff gives even more - which is enormous, considering the huge amount of time we already give in. So adult staff should receive even more, right ? Then we have 2 possibilities :

- higher their galleons wage too (but once you have every items you need, well, you just put it into Gringotts and don't do anything with it)

- give them a bigger IRL reward, which I discuss below.

The current IRL reward is the free VIP (we still got the ads tho, but I don't think we should remove them, because it makes the site live). If we want to higher this IRL reward, then it would be "even more IRL", for example IRL gifts, or even IRL wage with IRL money. The point is, the site needs to save up money to enable future functionalities (such as chocofrogs) to be created. Moreover, adult staff would need to give their IRL address, IRL bank account, etc, and everyone may not want to. 

I believe this free VIP is the higher reward someone can be given on WoP for his dedication, so it's the reward adult staff should receive, as they're the ones who give the more ^^ So my solution would basically be to leave the free VIP to adult staff, and higher the galleons-wage of the student staff

I was mainly referring to the title of the topic in my first comment and I ask you to forgive me if it was not clear ;)


Hi! I agree with you, we don't earn enough galeons as student staff. But that's not the point. Sometimes students feel that they are not being recognised for all the work they do. I am a prefect in WoP ES, I play in the Quidditch team and also duel with the team of my house, I am a columnist in the notice board and I am on the homework team of my house. As you can see, I work a lot for the site and for the users because I love it. As a prefect, I have a lot of work, not only with the topics, but also in the chat because I have to help new users and be sure that everyone is following the rules. I make a big effort for only 40 galleons (for being a prefect and a columnist). The adult staff gives me recognition, but I don't feel the same from the page and I know that a lot of people feel like me because I only get paid 20 galleons.

The adult staff works very hard, but they can't make it without without the student staff. Because of the work of everyone (adults and students) WoP grows. Adults and students make it possible and I think both of them deserves the VIP for free.


I'm a Charms teacher at WoP ES and I know the hard work that entails; but before that, I've been a student, a quidditch player, an assistant teacher and a participant in the duel club and I can assure you that it has no point of comparison. I don´t know in WoP EU how the students will work, but I do know how WoP ES students work and I can assure you that the page does not recognize the effort and the time they dedicate to it. We are not asking for madness, we simply ask that being VIP be free for all those who have a job, since it would be a way to recognize their effort as well as ours. :)


Thank you for all your input.

Needless to say, we appreciate everyone doing a job, but we can't give everyone on the site free VIP for now.

We will keep all your input in mind when discussing this in the future, but for now, we are closing this.