Welcome to World of Potters international feedback portal.

On this page you can suggest ideas, vote for the ideas you like and help develop World of Potter.

All ideas and comments should must be in english.


staff's fc protected

DLL 7 years ago updated by World of Potter 7 years ago 4

Personally I feel if you have a staff job on site, you should get the added perk of having your fc protected, not only because we are staff members but for realism purpose and to save confusion as well, I for one personally get a little upset when I see someone else using my characters fc.  Also the staff are not actually getting paid irl and are putting an awful lot of time and effort into helping the site be great, and racking up countless hours on site. I just think it would be nice to at least have their fc protected so it was unique to them

World of Potter 7 years ago

Since you don't own the copyright of the pictures you use (except if you use photos from yourself of course), you can't stop other users from taking the same pictures. If you feel bothered by users having the same faceclaim as you, you can always contact them and friendly ask if they would mind to change it, often they agree if asked (:


Take the "Relations" tab off of non-VIP Profiles

Grace Elizabeth 4 years ago updated by World of Potter 4 years ago 4

I feel like the "Relations" tab on non-VIP profiles is not necessary. It kind of reminds non-VIP profiles of what they can't have, if they can't have it. I see it as a waste of space, and it just looks weird. Once they get VIP, it can appear. 


OC maker

RLP_PotterheadsUnite 7 years ago updated by World of Potter 6 years ago 3

Harry Potter OC maker.

So, this is an idea I had. A Harry Potter OC maker! 

Your character, aka OC, can be in any timeline you want. Example: Marauders Time, Golden Trio, Next Gen.

Your character, optionally, can be related to one of your favorite characters. Example: Ashley Malfoy. Twin: Draco Malfoy.

Your character can be friends with any character in the HP universe. Example: Harry, Ron, Draco, etc...

Your character can be in any house you decide it to be. Ravenclaw, Slytherin, anything! Your choice.

Blood purity doesn't matter. You can be a Pureblood, Halfblood, Blood Traitor, whatever you want.

They also need to have a backstory–your character can't just show up out of the blue, can they?

And now–a huge example on how your character's OC  profile should include!










Magical Core:

Eventual significant other:

Eventual Children:

Eventual job:


Buy status with real money .

serdaix nergal 6 years ago updated by World of Potter 6 years ago 2

It's very cool we can buy a status with a real money ( ex: werewolf, animagus, vampire etc...) 


Possible voice chat?

Max Mors 7 years ago updated by World of Potter 7 years ago 2

I feel like a voice chat for the site would be awesome! I'm more of a talker then a typer and i think that having a voice chat would greatly benefit the good community the site already has :)

World of Potter 7 years ago

Like Jelina already mentioned this function would take up a lot of space on the site and make it slower. Also we are a text-based roleplaying site, so our main medium is the written word.

However, if you would prefer to talk to your friends from WoP, you can create Discord, Skype or TeamSpeak channels and invite your friends there (:


irish WoP

Scott McGrath 8 years ago updated by World of Potter 7 years ago 2

I believe having an Irish World of Potter site would help develop the community and attract a wider range of Harry Potter fans From lovely and proud Ireland. As currently there is a lot of Irish people but not many , But with Irish site, This will help attract those fans who want to experience an amazing RPG site, an Irish site will be a great magnet to attract all those wandering fans, Who don’t seem to be attracted to the EU, UK,Nl,DE, DK or American site etc. Yes it will cost you money to open another site but with the hard work and commitment from other Irish WoP

Irish WoP could make a wonderful community adding to the already amazing Community on EU/DK/US/NL/UK.

A few Reasons why the irish site could be good to have.


  • It could attract more people from ireland to World of Potter community, Which would benefit it a lot more! As there tends to be not many irish people.
  • Having a domain like www.worldofpotter.Ir would mean users from the Ir could easily find the website.
  • It could feel more home with the irish or english on a site where irish poeple could be.
  • For stuff like V.I.P would still be in euros  and give some money.

The irish site would be so great to have for me and the other irish users :) 


World of Potter 7 years ago

But there is already a UK site and if you're thinking more about just Ireland (not Northern Ireland) then it's still not really worth it. The amount of money, time and effort put into making the site would be ridiculous and finding the staff and working everything out would be pointless. There are already at least 3 mainly English speaking sites available (UK, EU and US) so it's not too difficult to use or find. Anyone from any country can join any of the sites as long as they respect the language being used and try to use it (like I'm English but occasionally go on the German site to improve my German speaking skills and make new friends). It's really not difficult and the new site is not necessary. Sorry for the mini-rant but I wanted to explain why you probably got so many dislikes. Have a good day :)


Make 1 week in game = 1 day irl

jumpsuitt 21 3 years ago updated by World of Potter 2 years ago 2

It takes way too long to get anywhere in this game..or maybe I'm missing something and it's already like this. In that case why do my classes say I can't access future lessons - for 4 days now


Make making clubs free

Vladimire Dracula 7 years ago updated by World of Potter 6 years ago 6 1 duplicate

Becoming an Animagus

Max Mors 7 years ago updated by World of Potter 6 years ago 4

So i came up with a really cool (and also difficult) way of how one could become an Animagus on the site, which they can then use in RP'ing! It would also add that you are one too your profile, something to be proud of!

first you need to have completed the transfiguration lessons about Animagus!

So step one would be to hold the mandrake leaf in your mouth for a month (or one IRL week). this could be done by people buying a mandrake leaf and making it so that they'd have to consume a mandrake once every few hours (this would require being active)

the next part would be the daily reciting of Amato Animo Animato Animagus which you could make a quest too owl that sentence to a person(you could even go for a different person) each day. You could also make them put it in chat or a text box specially made for it.

At the end you should brew this potion:

  1. Place the now-soaked Mandrake leaf in a small crystal phial where it is struck directly by the light given off by the moon (if the night is cloudy or the moon is otherwise obscured, the entire Mandrake Leaf process will need to be repeated).
  2. Add one strand of hair to the phial.
  3. Add a teaspoon of dew to the phial.
  4. Add one Death's-head Hawk Moth chrysalis to the phial and place the mixture in a dark, undisturbed place until the next lightning storm.

this would require a high level potions course to be completed. Maybe 5th or even 6th year! and a person would need all the ingredients in there inventory (which they can of course buy in the store.)

they can then consume the potion and they would need to answer a list of questions to determine what kind of Animagus they are. You could add a lot of different animals, making it quite unique when 2 persons share the same animal

It would be a long progress that would require activity to be completed, but when completed it can be something to be very proud of!

You can change certain parts of the execution i wouldn't mind, i just like the idea a lot

Thanks a lot all <3





World of Potter 6 years ago

Animagus is a status that you win in a competition on the site.