
Make Illusions a new school subject

Damian 7 years ago updated by World of Potter 7 years ago 11

When I started reading and watching the Potter universe, I've always missed one big subject that is teached in Hogwarts..

This subject is Illusions, teached by Donovar Crane. Illusions always intrigued me.

My opinion is that this subject has to be teached at the WOP because it would make the whole picture of subjects a lot better!



We currently have enough subjects. Also it would be very hard to find information about this subject and things to teach, since we don't get much information out of the books or official websites about it. Still, thank you for your idea (:

I am not entirely sure how a person would be able to find enough information about this to make multiple years about it. It sounds interesting, but is a subject, where we don't have a lot of information about it from the books and only small mentions of it.

Where did you read or see about this? Because neither I or HPW know about this course?


There are mentions about it on some forums, but it took me a while to find some small stuff. Besides that there is a lot, but a lot in common with most stuff about illusions in the other world of magic. All about the way to desorient the brains of people, so you can do stuff or interprent stuff in their heads, so they will not see or know stuff. There is a lot possible in this way Too fill at least 3 years of it. But that is my opinion.


Here is a preview of some stories made about the teacher as example


and a small mention to illusion class



It's not believable sources, the official sources doesn't say anything about this :)


and if you guys dont believe it or anything about it. Thats fine. But at least i can say i tried and i know to find sources..


I didn't mention anything about it not being true. I like the idea of it, but I just don't think there would be enough stuff to create a subject about it.


I did and it's not true. ^^


So then where is all your truth about all the music classes and so forth? Not all those lessons are mentions anywhere.. So its a but rude to just clean it of the slate because you just dont find it believable.

WOP is fanseries. So i dont see the exact thing always has a lead.

But i'll stop this discussion, because it happends to become a yes or no game. And i think it isnt worth my time to do that.

So have a good day. And thank you for listening


Actually it is a real class in HP with Music and even Muggle Music. Pottermore has written about it. Arithmancy Hermione has in her 3rd year, the class where they learn to transfer from one location to another is something Hermione and Ron has in the last months of 6th year, so yeah it is. As far as I know the owner don't want to create to much that is not in the books. ;)

Good day to you too, but remember pottermore is the best source ^^


We currently have enough subjects. Also it would be very hard to find information about this subject and things to teach, since we don't get much information out of the books or official websites about it. Still, thank you for your idea (: