
Wizard cards collection-shop

marialouiseje 7 years ago updated by World of Potter 7 years ago 2

I don't know about you guys, but for some reason, I'm always really unlucky when getting new cards and no matter how many new frogs I buy, I always end up with cards I already have. So I was thinking that maybe we could create a shop, so the idea is true to the World of Potter-universe already. It's not like it should be possible to buy all cards in one day. It would be awesome to make a limited number of the cards and maybe do it by a randomizer, so there's only like 10 cards per day where at it's only possible to buy a maximum of 2 or 3 cards per day in the shop. 


I'm pretty sure there's always a highly rated topic about being able to TRADE cards instead of doing this. Being able to buy the cars would make the ability to purchase the frogs for cards useless when you could just pay a lot of galleons. I think this would be a bad idea.


We are still working on a way to trade cards with your friends, this way you could get rid of the double cards and get the ones you like from your friends without the need of buying them. Since it's a rather complicated project we kindly ask for a bit more patience (: