Welcome to World of Potters international feedback portal.
On this page you can suggest ideas, vote for the ideas you like and help develop World of Potter.
All ideas and comments should must be in english.
Ad free for more than one month
Hey there!
I think it would be a good improvement to have the possibilty to buy adfree profiles for more than only one month (as you can do it now).
A possibilty would be to group it like the VIP, so make it able to buy adfree for 1 month, 6 months, and maybe even a year. That would make it a lot easier than having to buy adfree 12 times in a row :b
follow wall threads
It could be nice, if we could get a follow button on wall threads. Instead of typing //OOG: Follow// when we find a thread we want to keep updated on.
This way we wont be so disrupting on the thread itself.
and then maybe, when people follow it would show how many follows that thread, like with likes.
When starting a new course in exam week, jump right to exams
While it is a really minor thing, for people who like me have a lot of characters, its annoying to start a new course in exam week, just to be sent to the page of the first homework, just to have to go back and select exams, which are the only thing you can do in exam week anyway. Again, its a really minor thing, but it does make the site feel a bit more polished, and probably isnt that hard to implement, as the site has to have a variable to keep track of the weeks anyway.
More animals
Specially know that Fantastic beast are hitting the HP univers, the idea of more animals to purchase, also rare animals could be nice. Like to buy a phoniex, nifflers, or Bowtruckles. Thes rare more expensive
A status competition
So as WoP has been around for a total of 33 or so weeks (give or take) I was thinking that we on the US site should hold a status competition. As far as I know there hasn't been one and a lot of people want one. After all, with how lineage works in the Harry Potter universe it should be more available for students to have certain statuses. It only makes sense??
Light coding in topics
I would like the opportunity to use light coding when answering topics - something as simple as Bold and Italic to highlight direct speech or thoughts, as it would ease the overview in topics with longer answers. I know VIP-members have the opportunity, when creating a topic, but I would like it to be possible in the subsequent replies as well. Only available for VIP's.
Phone Chat Indication
There are many new users that I see join through mobile lately and they are not really interacting with the chat causing them to think that the site is not really active and making them ultimately leave.
Then it occurred to me that there is no indication on mobile when the chat is active or when someone tags you on it unless you check it. However, with new users still learning about how to navigate the site is difficult to do so...
So I thought it would be a nice addition if there was a white bubble on the chat when it is active so people get curious and click it.
And there's a red +1 (like we see on notifications or mails) when someone tags you on it. I think this will make things much much easier for new as well as old users when they are on mobile.
Hide Birthday Cake
Hello there,
Lately, the WoX community has been growing like crazy, which is a lovely thing, of course, however, the more people, the more people will also notice a beautiful icon behind your name once it is your birthday.
I have been hearing quite some people talking about the fact they do not want their birthday known to the rest of WoX, however, they would still like to be honest while making their characters. Of course, there is the option of not logging on when it is your birthday, but the cake will still be there.
So, hereby my request to have an option where you can hide the cake. That way everyone can be honest about their birthday and they won't have to worry about the birthday cake. It would be only fair to the people who do not like the idea of the cake icon.
Write a message when you gift vip
I think it's great that we can gift other people ViP, but I'm missing the ability to also add a smaller personal message when you do it. If you want to gift someone for their birthday, it'd be so sweet if it was possible to add "Happy birthday" or another personalized message. As it is now, the person getting the ViP is only having a notif informing them of it.
Achievements for Number of Brewed Potions
So I have noticed that in the Achievements sections there are no badges for the number of Potions brewed. Or just any achievements badges potions related. Whether its a miscellaneous or a tracker badge I think it would be great to incorporate potions to the achievements section! I would say managing to brew a potion is achievement worthy enough to wear it like a badge! It is certainly not an easy feat either! Plus It would be cute to have something like a bubbling potion as the image for the badge! Just something I was thinking about <3
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