Welcome to World of Potters international feedback portal.
On this page you can suggest ideas, vote for the ideas you like and help develop World of Potter.
All ideas and comments should must be in english.
Cuddle Notification takes you to profile
Hey you,
I wanted to inquire if it would be possible to do the following :D
I have the one or the other hug for my pet on the day and naturally want
to give the owner a pleasure and cuddle back. But now it´s not possible
to switch to the profile of the other owner directly via the news
display, but always search through the Friends list or the marauders
Maybe you can change something because with 8 to 10 knuddler it´s a bit
time consuming, even if it sounds very lazy on my part ^^ '
Unfortunately I do not know how it is with other pet owners.
I would like to thank you for reading my request and wish everyone a nice evening,
Best wishes, Malek
Hey Ihr,
ich wollte mich mal erkundigen, ob denn nicht folgendes machbar wäre :D
Ich hab am Tag den ein oder anderen Knuddler bei meinem Haustier und möchte dem Besitzer natürlich auch eine Freude machen und zurück knuddeln. Jetzt ist es aber so, dass man nicht direkt über die News Anzeige auf das Profil des anderen Besitzer wechseln kann, sondern immer über die Freundesliste oder die Karte des RT sucht.
Kann man da vielleicht was dran ändern, denn bei 8 bs 10 knuddlern ist das doch ein bisschen zeit aufwändig, auch wenn es sich jetzt sehr faul meinerseits anhört ^^' weiß ich leider nicht wie das bei anderen Haustier besitzern ist.
Ich bedanke mich schon mal fürs lesen meines Anliegens und wünsche allen noch einen schönen Abend,
LG Malek
The Ability to Send Gift With one Step
It could be nice to have a button in the stores saying: "Send As gift" and then just typing the lucky ones name instead of going: "Buy" -> Pofile -> Inventory -> Send as Gift -> Send"
Having a slow pc, this takes YEARS...
XP tracker in level bar
It would be really handy if there was an XP tracker in the level bar. It would just be text telling you how much XP you've earned, and how much you still have left or have to earn in total. This way it would be easy to see how much XP grading/making one homework gives you, and using that, it'd be easy to set grading goals.
I think something like this might be best:
Achievement points
My idea is to have Achievement points(Nothing to do with house points) Each Achievement is worth a different amount of points, So some 10 some 20 or 30 etc, then you can see the total Achievement points on a total in your profile, this is a great feature as it get's people wanting to get Achievements and people wanting to get a high amount of points. (If you need more INFO I can give you some)
Thank you for reading my idea! <3
- Leon (Rod)
Add rules about names and relations to characters of the series to the start page
Add (at least a short sentence about) rules about names and relations to characters of the Harry Potter universe to the start/register page, so people know about it before they even create their character.
You can ask your MoM to add this rule to the rules that appear on the first page before registering, they can do that manually (:
Half-Goblin Status
I saw that Half-Giant is a status available for people to get, so I was wondering if we could make Half-Goblin one too. Since Professor Flitwick was half goblin I think its a fair representation to have as a status and would be available for students to be able to compete for too!
Adrian <3 WoP UK
Sending Individual Owl Option
Hello! I have a little suggestion thing, it would just reeaaaaly help me out. I am a backstory leader on a WoX site and I deal with all the unrealistic names. I can see this being useful to a number of jobs on the sites (Head of House, Backstory Team, Plot Team, Welcoming Team and just regular users who need to send a mass amount of invitations to a party or something!)
But here's my idea, I know you can send group owls to a group of people if you are management, but there's no way to send a group of owls to people that have no connection what so ever, for me it would be people with unrealistic names. Instead of taking the time to send owls to each person with an unrealistic name (which takes me hours) I could just list all the people's names like usual and select an option "Send as an individual owl" And that way you could save a ton of time and energy and it would be extremely helpful.
Please upvote this so the WoP team ends up seeing this, because this would be the greatest feature ever.
Welcoming Team on all WoP pages!
Hi there!
I just recently re-joined WoP DK, only to discover, that they have a brilliant new team - the Welcoming Team! (Can't say how long it actually excisted, though) These fabulous people wear a pretty pink colour, making it a Student Job equal to Prefect, AT, Librarian, etc.
I would LOVE for that team to be spread out on all the WoP pages! It is a known fact, sadly, that many new users find it extremely difficult to get included throughout the sites (just to mention a little thing, the chat-box can be pretty scary, and unless you're already a part of it, excisting users - even those with colours - often ignore / miss it, when new users are trying to say 'hi'). And YES - I know, that 'making an effort' is a common advice given to new users, but not everybody finds that it's that simple. Shy, introverted people just doesn't keep on pushing.
I'm aware, that the Prefect-teams throughout the sites also play a big role, when it comes to welcoming new users, but with an actual Welcoming Team, the possibilities are so much more! On WoP DK you'll, for example, be contacted by a member of the team after a short while and be offered a variety of small 'challenges' to get started on site (eat a meal in the Great Hall, participate in a conversation in the chatbox, enroll a class, participate in a game in the House Club, etc.) - and for each challenge, you complete, you recieve a small gift.
I believe, that having a Welcoming Team, could play a huge role, when it comes to the welcoming and, above all, maintaining of new users.
Runaway and Fainted Pets!?
Hello hello!
So you know when your pet reaches 33%, it faints right? And you're supposed to give it medicine so you could unfaint it.
And then when it reaches 0%, it officially runs away??
Okay so recently that happened to me, like half of my pets fainted and then 1/3 of them ran away and I was devastated. But besides being sad and all of that, I feel like it's illogical and unrealistic.
In reality, if a pet faints, it faints and then if you don't cure it, it dies, right? Okay so of course we're not going to make pets die on WoX, but how could a pet run away while being fainted? It's literally sick and how does it have enough energy in the first place to run away?
In the beginning, I thought runaway pets are caused from being depressed. Like that sounds realistic. If your IRL gets super sad and lonely, it'll probably leave you. But it won't leave you when it's sick.
So... some suggestions to make this pet scenario more realistsic is to either make them runaway if they don't get cuddle that much (like the next level of depression). Or, you can try finding runaway pets. Such as you find random Potion notes everywhere on the site from the Half-Blood Prince, can't we also make your runaway pets appear randomly across the site? But of course, only you would see it. That way, you can still get your runaway pets back and not regret it for the rest of your life (like me currently...)
Thank you for reading. :)
♡Chloe / Selene / Penelope♡
Field Trips!
I was thinking if we could have field trips for our subjects. Like perhaps the trips with the teachers somewhere to learn something that is related to what we have for a assignment or test. Maybe you can have a area where everyone goes to and voice out things like they have us do to turn in our assignments. Maybe we can get graded for participating to that?
I think that would be pretty cool like the movie.
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