Welcome to World of Potters international feedback portal.

On this page you can suggest ideas, vote for the ideas you like and help develop World of Potter.

All ideas and comments should must be in english.


IN-GAME Housepoints

WoPideasblahblah 5 years ago updated 3 years ago 11

So this would be a "new" category so to speak, on the profile.
I recently realised that for most peaple the housepoints you earn through homework/grading can't be transferen on to your play - to you in game life as a student - because then you would decide that you are better than X-number of players just because you earn points and they don't. SO therefore I would like for their to be points that you CAN use ingame.

These points would clearly be stated to be of in game character only and only reflect your users school life, and not how many grades you give/assignments you finish.

This would be points that could be taken from you if 
- You have a topic in the middle of the night and get caught by a teacher/prefect
- Break any rules in general IG

And you can earn it by

- Good IG behaviour basically.

So it would be the points as we knoe them from the books, and they would only matter in topics and in game life. This would be an extra way to show how you think your character is in school to others - And it gives a lot of extra play.

The ability to give/remove points would be given to prefects and professors I think would make most sense.


Help for the visually impaired

Mathias Lambert (WoP Spain) 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 2

Good morning/evening to all.

I make this suggestion because in World of Potter in Spanish a visually impaired user has started to play. 

This guy has trouble knowing what each user of the website is dedicated to, since he can't see the color in which each user is written. Therefore, it had occurred to me the idea that next to the name of the user, was written between parentesis what is their work on the website.

For example, if my name was "Edward Stewart" and I am a member of BackStory TEam, my name would appear as follows: Edward Stewart - (BackStory Team)

I think it's a great help for anyone who can join and has a similar impairment. It would help a lot to adapt the web to everyone and they would appreciate it very much, as it would facilitate their experience.

Greetings and thank you for taking the time to read this


Keep homework assignments from previous years accessible

Marlies Storm 6 years ago updated by Kayte / Angela 6 years ago 2

I'm going to try and keep this brief and structured for easy reading.

Current system: homework assignments open up in the week they are given, and when the year finishes, everything closes again, including previous years. For example, a fourth-year student can do homework in courses from year 1-4, but if it's week 1, they can't access year 3 week 10, despite having been able to access it before.

Suggestion: keep the already accessed homework assignments open. This way assignments in later weeks can be done even if you don't have the time around week 10, you can just do it anytime outside of exam week. It also makes rereading your homework assignments possible if you've handed them in but it's not yet the relevant week. 


Make your wall posts magical!

The_Hairy_Coconut 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 4


As we all know, with the fantastic addition of VIP, us financial supporters of all things great and WoPful have the awesome opportunity to post some of the most beautifully coded creations on our walls. These could be announcements, advertisements for clubs or student jobs, library book announcements (until the notification kicked in) games or heartfelt messages to our beloved friends and IG families. So... what could I possibly be about to complain about?

Well, unfortunately, we have to code our wall post creations blind, completely blind. As someone who is a terrible coder but also still wants to make fantastic use of this feature need a little helping hand. So here is my proposal, on VIP accounts please please please adjust the wall post creation so it works similar to that of club page creation, lesson creation, NB creation etc. So we can preview our works of art before posting it and displaying our (usually mine) god-awful mess to the entire site.. and a further five times while I try to adjust it. (I can already imagine everyone on my friends list grabbing popcorn and laughing hysterically as my images shoot off into wopian space)

Thank you


50 word requirement for each post.

clara-olsson 6 years ago updated by Kayte / Angela 6 years ago 5

Each post in a topic should hade a requirement of at least 50 words. Posts with less than 50 words should not be possible to publish. This requirement has been implemented on other Harry RPG-sites. A requirement preventes short one-liner posts an enhances the quality of the entire site. Using a requirement of a number of lines is not as effective as a word requirement since the number of lines can differ depending on what unit one is on. 


Anti-pinging/do not disturb option

Sean Hanworn 7 years ago updated by World of Potter 4 years ago 2

Sometimes someone in chat pings someone who isnt' in chat, and the person who is pinged doesn't want to be/is busy or something, so I think there should be a toggleable option that would go at the top of chat (right next to the auto scroll option) that allows your name to not be pingable in chat.

For example, if your name is Jeremy Dwellington and you don't want to be pinged, you would toggle the do not disturb feature to on and then whenever somebody tries to ping you by typing your name, it wouldn't auto-correct i'm not sure what would happen if they typed your name out like @jeremy dwellington, but I guess it just wouldn't play the sound or do the look thingy or it might send a notice to the player (almost liek when you try to do /me and you aren't lvl 10 or havent done the maraders map quest) 


uplift mood of pets by buying them toys and treats in the shops

Sasch P 7 years ago 0

Having pets and feeding them are one of the many new and exciting features of WoP. But keeping your pets happy can be quite a task. 

What if it was possible to byt your pet toys and treats in order to keep you pet happy? What if chew toys, cat nip and other toys and treets were available, and by giving them to the pets they would instantly become happier? 


Admin Powers for Club Leader

Diaval Vaughn 7 years ago 0

I'm a club leader and I personally moderate my club which is pretty active and has a lot of members. It would be incredibly useful and practical if I actually had true admin powers within my club and could delete posts, re-title things, etc. without having to turn to my admin friends and ask them to do it for me. 


Being able to Gift Obols

Christina Ra 7 years ago updated by World of Potter 5 years ago 8

I love WoO so much! I play it all day, every day, and I love sending my friends gifts, but, sometimes my friends NEED food, but can't afford it, and even when they go to get free food at the Dining Pavilion, with the timezone we are in, is always at inconvenient times! So, I thought, maybe if we were able to gift people obols, drachma, and minea, it would be REALLY cool! So, at the Bank of America, there should be, Deposit, Withdraw, and, Send/Gift, or something like that. This isn't 100% necessary, I just thought it would be REALLY cool!


Status as werewolf or vampire

Arya 7 years ago 0

Animagus, alchemist etc. are great, but what about vampires and werewolves? They would add so much more to ones game and be able to create a lot of new and exciting plots! I know we rarely have status competetions, but new status like these could possibly draw a lot more players in and make them want to participate.