Welcome to World of Potters international feedback portal.

On this page you can suggest ideas, vote for the ideas you like and help develop World of Potter.

All ideas and comments should must be in english.


Special page/box for job openings

Jada Nightflame 7 years ago updated by Kayte / Angela 7 years ago 2

There could be a special page somewhere on the site where job openings could be announced. Perhaps even at the top of the already existing job list. Usually the front page box is used for this and that works really well 'cause you see it every time you log in, but that box is also used for other announcements, and then you can't see the available jobs. So yeah, maybe a special page, at the top of the current job list, or maybe a special box for it on the front page - it could be just as simple as the front page box, or maybe the HM/MfM can just click a box to select a job to appear on it. 


Character changes log in 'edit user'

Jenna Armstrong 7 years ago 0

A log in 'edit user' for management to see which changes have been done. There is such a log for giving users VIP, which shows who added it and the date. 

This would be useful for everything else in 'edit user' as well, mainly for management to see if user names were changed and by whom (e.g. forbidden names that are changed by HoH), or any other changes in 'edit user' (such as age, house, gender, name, birthday, etc.). 


Using text decoration in chat

April Jaymes 7 years ago updated by not me 5 years ago 4

Hello! I was typing in the chat and on that moment I realised I really missed a way to strike my text. It would be nice if you just had te option to use text decoration like bold, underlined, striked and italic in chat, just to make some words stand out more, at some funk to your messages and stuff like that.

You could use symbols, just like skype, to give your message the decoration. For example: *Hello* will be turned into Hello and ~Hey~ into Hey.

I know there will be probably abuse the function, so if this will be used, there should be rules of how much of this you can use in a message.

Or maybe it could be made exclusive with Chocolate Cards, like the /sing option, or an only vip option? The possibility's are endless!

I just think it's an awesome idea to make chatting even more fun! :)


Keywords in Library

Squirrel Jo 7 years ago 0

I believe it would be really useful for librarians to be able to add keywords (around 5 ?) to the books they write (for example, a book about Sirius Black would have the keywords "animagus", "marauders" and "azkaban"). This system could be enriched with a searching system to search keywords in the whole library (because ctrl + F-ing five books is a big waste of time). 

So when you look for informations about animagus, you type it in the searching bar and you get the book about Sirius, something about Minerva McGonagall, maybe also something about the minister's regulations... Librarians wouldn't have to write tons of books about the same subject and students would find sources way more easily. 


Job List Reorder

Min 8 years ago updated by Kayte / Angela 7 years ago 5

The order of the jobs in the Jobs List never made sense to me. So that people can find who they need easier I think it'd make sense to have the adult staff jobs nearer the top?

Minister of Magic



The Management

Chief Editor


Assistant Teacher


Plot Team



Social-Media Team


Backstory Team


Correct introductory glitch

Alex, Arrow, Nathaniel, Lukas 8 years ago updated by World of Potter 7 years ago 2

So when you go onto house points, a new course, a new lesson, or whatever, the introductory tutorial thingy comes up. Now thats great when it is your first time and you need help, but I have been part of WoP for ageesssss and it still comes up almost everytime, and it is really annoying.

Could this be fixed?


Fainting Notice

Yeison Shultz 8 years ago 0

I find that there should be a notice when you are perhaps at 25% health, or nourishment because a lot of the time, I just forget about feeding myself because I'm really immersed in topics. I find that it's not a good system to punish someone who is super active by fainting them, or at least provide an option for "Would you like to eat (so and so) from your chest, before you faint?" because I've posted to topics a lot of times, and it got lost because I got the fainted notice. Thanks!


Automatically change curse words in chat to (less offensive) magical equivalents.

Olivia Alric 8 years ago updated by not me 5 years ago 6

Think of things like "Merlin's Beard", "dungbrain", et cetera. This way leaders/staff don't have to keep commenting on strong language in a chat where children could be present.


Twitter/Reddit/Instagram etc World of Potter Account/Page

Rodrik 8 years ago updated by World of Potter 7 years ago 2

I know this in not related to development for the site, But having an account for WoP on these Social media platforms is a great way to reach a new target audience's who uses different social medias. This would be great for the social media to to reach out to all those over amazing Harry Potter fans. Just an Idea.


OOG Infos in Topic Descriptions

Harri J. Toepfer 2 years ago updated by World of Potter 1 year ago 1

When you create a new RP-topic, you are asked certain questions concerning the IG-situation of the RP (weather, environment, time, ...). However, if you have special OOG-information, you have to just write them underneath your post, which looks very inofficial and is in my opinion very ugly!

Therefore, I have the following suggestion: The Adding of an OOG-slot, where you can write down all aspects of the RP, that are OOG, e.g.:

- if you write it with another person and require an owl, if sb else wants to join in

-if you have the permission for godmoding sb

- if an NPC is involved


Of course, it would still be possible to write down OOG-infos during the RP (for example, if sth unexpected comes up), however, the first post would look much more professional and organised.