
OOG Infos in Topic Descriptions

Harri J. Toepfer 2 years ago updated by World of Potter 1 year ago 1

When you create a new RP-topic, you are asked certain questions concerning the IG-situation of the RP (weather, environment, time, ...). However, if you have special OOG-information, you have to just write them underneath your post, which looks very inofficial and is in my opinion very ugly!

Therefore, I have the following suggestion: The Adding of an OOG-slot, where you can write down all aspects of the RP, that are OOG, e.g.:

- if you write it with another person and require an owl, if sb else wants to join in

-if you have the permission for godmoding sb

- if an NPC is involved


Of course, it would still be possible to write down OOG-infos during the RP (for example, if sth unexpected comes up), however, the first post would look much more professional and organised.