Special page/box for job openings
There could be a special page somewhere on the site where job openings could be announced. Perhaps even at the top of the already existing job list. Usually the front page box is used for this and that works really well 'cause you see it every time you log in, but that box is also used for other announcements, and then you can't see the available jobs. So yeah, maybe a special page, at the top of the current job list, or maybe a special box for it on the front page - it could be just as simple as the front page box, or maybe the HM/MfM can just click a box to select a job to appear on it.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Used for other anouncements? Whaaat? On the danish site it's jobs in the box so if it's used for something else, it seems weird... I'm only on the danish site and there we have the box with the title "Teams der søger ansatte" meaning: Teams that need more members.
The management can change the box title and the contents in the box. On other sites it's been used for events going on, site announcements (updates and such), and simple positive reminders.