Welcome to World of Potters international feedback portal.
On this page you can suggest ideas, vote for the ideas you like and help develop World of Potter.
All ideas and comments should must be in english.
More praticle means for correcting posts
To whom it may concern,
Several members of the French WoP server and I have noticed a significant drop in the language correctness of official posts (such as courses or articles). Unfortunately, owls are the only way to report errors and typos and they can be taken as personnally offensive which prevents from reliably and efficiently correcting posts. As a matter of fact, it often discourages us to keep playing the game if we must regularily read poorly spelled articles, especially knowing that there is not much we can do.
Thus, we thought about proposing the creation of a new job/role of Reader/Corrector, who's task would be to spot mistakes and to provide a corrected version of the text to the relevant person.
As it would be a time consuming task (depending on the length of the articles or simply because the French language happens to be a real puzzle of rules and exceptions that would increase the correcting time even more), this would require a salary (of in-game currency of course) and a color distinction.
We then submitted this idea to our staff, they understood our position but told us that there was nothing they could do at their level, which made us bring the request higher.
We understand clearly that creating a role can be more complicated than what we might envision, and for that reason, we suggest another idea: a platform or forum dedicated to correction and spellchecking, where every player could report the mistakes he or she found, while providing a relevant correction and an explaination for this adjustment. Thus the members concerned by the corrections could correct their spelling mistakes themselves.
Here is a list of the benefits we found:
- A good example for the youngest players, reading misspelled text will not help them improve their spelling.
- Motivation to keep a high language level standard.
- Making correcting fun and engaging for people who like to correct.
- A sense of accomplishment and a pride to help the staff and changing the community in a good way.
- The ego of some will not get in the way of correcting articles anymore.
- Considerably reducing the medication expenses for people suffering from eyebleeding due to a high exposure to poor spelling.
(As a proper French person I request your indulgence for my poor English.)
Selective Notfications
Hello! I love World of Potter, for starters, but honestly, sometimes I am drowning in notifications. This wouldn't be so bad if all of them were helpful or necessary, but most of the time they are just things like "Someone liked your wallpost* or "You are removed from this club" or something like that.
I know some people care about those things so I am not proposing to completely remove this kind of notifications, but it would be nice if you could select the things you want to be notified about. There could be certain things you could not unsubscribe from, for example the noticeboard, because the information on there is too important to miss, but it would help me a lot to be able to unsubscribe from the things I stated above, so I can focus on the things I find important
timetable - a shortcut, all your classes at one place
Link under Hogwarts called for eg Timetable, where you see all the classes you are taking. A shortcut if you will.
Plus they could have the lesson and ticks (when you do the homework) like they do when you clic on class. So you instantly know where you are on top of things and where you are behind. Quicker then going through them one by one.
It can get confusing when you are taking a lot of classes and have a lot of homework.
You are doing excelent work, thank you!
We can purchase Howlers in floursh and blotts. I would like to see some animation with it. we can send it thought the gift fuction and when you open world of potter you get you frineds message in all caps and when the click that they read it it bursts into flames.
Sorry bad spelling im working on it .
Notice board in clubs
It would be lovely if notice boards could get added to clubs. In my Quidditch club for example, I'd like to have a monthly post, things like tips for matches. A notice board could also be used within family clubs, to publish a list of active topics and updates about the family. In most clubs it would be useful. It would work just like a normal notice board post: you get a notification, the editing options are the same. I've been missing this feature for quite a while now so I figured it was time to submit it here ^^
Moleskin Wallet
Does owning a moleskin wallet prevent your money from 'disappearing' when you are clicking around on WoP? I do have most of my money in the bank but I like to keep some money at hand - and having such a wallet is not very useful if my money still disappears... I can understand not all my money would fit in but just some 10 or 20 galleons would be nice :)
French WoP
I recently saw lots of French speakers all over the site, and I think it could be great if we could have a site for us ^^ In fact young French people usually don't speak English that well, so they don't dare going on an English site, even if they're absolute Potterheads. I think it's really sad for them, because this site is wonderful...
More rpg areas/forums!
It would be great to have more areas to rpg in general (some of them were already asked for):
- owlery
- dungeons
- astronomy tower / other towers
- forbidden forest
- gringotts
- ...
Update/Patch Notes
Update/Patch Notes
My idea is that we have a area which Valentine and Sam or The Minister of the site if Val or Sam are busy which they Write Update/patch notes for whenever they do major bug fixes and updates, or small ones if need be, This let's users know what bugs were around and that they are fixed but also let's users know what is new, but also a great way for the communty to get to know what's going on and can also be very interesting, Video Games normally use Update/Patch notes which is great for the community to know what's going on so they are informed, Yes WoP is a text based RPG and not a Video game, But the concept could still fit in and work!
Thanks for taking time to read this idea everyone!
Timer for exams
When you're taking an exam, you'd see how much time you have left until the end of the exam, like the timer you get when grading homework.
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