Welcome to World of Potters international feedback portal.
On this page you can suggest ideas, vote for the ideas you like and help develop World of Potter.
All ideas and comments should must be in english.
6 Month Adfree
It would be nice with the option to be able to buy 6 months of adfree instead of just one month for the people, who would just like to not look at ads. There is an option for it with VIP, so shouldn't be too bad to add.
It is just really an inconvenience to keep on buying it, if you know you will be on the site for months and months.
See others who liked a wall event
You should be able to hover over the heart/like icon on wall and see the others who have liked the wall event. Same goes for articles!!
Pet cuddle Notif brings you to pet page
Self explanatory. Clicking on the you got a cuddle Notif should bring you to the pet page, and the bank interest Notif should bring you to the bank page.
Changing accounts dropdown box!
I think it'd be pretty cool if we could be able change accounts by going to our profile picture in the right and automatically have a drop down box allowing us to access our different accounts with one click as it would be way easier to do that rather than log out, enter your details etc. If this happens. It'd be kinda like the google version of changing accounts. :P
Make links clickable in chat
Just a small Quality Of Life thing for that. When sending a link it can get quite messy and annoying to copy the link if the chat is active and I see links in the chat quite frequently.
Therefore I suggest to make them clickable to open in a new tab. That is all.
Thank you <3
Mark topics as favorites
Please make a favorite-function for topics :)
I just experienced a sudden need to have all my favorite topics listed in one place, easy to find if you want to re-read them or recommend them to others. The follow-list is a bit unpractical for this purpose, especially if you have a job and follow a ton of work-related topics in clubs, or is active in several topics (and even more so for prefects who automatically follow every topic they remind).
A favorite list could also be nice to have on profiles, both for showing what sort of topics you read and for discovering old topics that aren't active but still makes for a good and recommended read.
A nice feature would be to have the option of making it a private or public favorite, for the purpose of recommendations for others to show on your profile and a private list of topics you might want to re-read or re-visit but might not want on your public list.
While topics are mainly for roleplaying, they are in many ways meant for reading as well. Inactive topics can be difficult to find if you want to read earlier topics by your favorite writers, which is a shame as there are many good ones and several old topics that make up people's backstories and earlier events that are referred to in active topics. A favorite list would make them more accessible and more likely to be found, read and enjoyed as stories.
Small improvements for clubs!
Two small adjustments that could make clubs a little easier.
1 - Showing the clubs you own before the clubs you're just members off. Then will make navigating clubs easier and also you won't have to look through all the clubs you're a member of to find the ones you manage.
2 - An option to allow the owner to get notifications when someone applies. I'm extremely bad at checking up on such things and I know other people are too (sometimes) so it would help keep the applies constantly low.
Linked characters, one login
It would be pretty neat if you would be able to only have one login, and as you logged in, you would then be able to choose which character to be online with. Of course you could choose yourself if you wanted to let other users know, which characters you have. It would also be easier for team leaders because they wouldn't have to ask for name of others characters when looking for new team members. It would also be easier for people to make new characters, because they wouldn't have to set up a new e-mail.
Away button
The option to click if your away from your keyboard when your technically 'online.' Kind of like on skype where they have the 'online, away. and do not disturb' options but for 'online, away, and offline'
See jobs by hovering over name.
Right now you can se someones Gener, Age, Year and House if you hover over someones' name. Maybe add Jobs to this "ID" aswell so you don't have to go to their profile to see what their job(s) are?
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