Welcome to World of Potters international feedback portal.

On this page you can suggest ideas, vote for the ideas you like and help develop World of Potter.

All ideas and comments should must be in english.


getting runaway pets back!

Kulina Lilieae LaRosura 3 years ago updated by Lcraa and the alt gang 3 years ago 4

Having pets run away because you have a busy life outside of the site for one reason or another sucks, we all know that. but having an option to get them back would be awesome, there are multiple ways this could be done but the following is my suggestion. 

make a tap somewhere (maybe hide it near the COMC class or the room of requirement)  with a NPC (in the same style as Fred and George) where you can pay to have him/her/them search for your lost pet, eighter at a small fee, or have x amount of free tries (i would gladly pay for this). it would not be a guarantee that they find it in the first try, so it could get expensive, but some of us really like the pets and would be willing to pay for that.

You could possibly make it a VIP feature?

Perhaps 5Galeons+VIP per try?

I would gladly do the coding for it if needed, but i have no skills in it so it is probably best that I leave it to the pros ;)


Selling items option

Eliphas Walsh 4 years ago updated by Vita Auden 4 years ago 12 6 duplicates

I think that an option to sell some items from your chest would be of great service to the community. I know that this idea has already been posted before, but I'd like to give a few more reasons and ideas.

First, there are a lot of items that we use just one time, like the books for each year. It would be nice if we could sell them back, so that we don't just discard them.

Second, there are the items that we win on the Whispering Wizard. I, for example, have a pewter cauldron that I won on the Whispering Wizard which I'm pretty sure that I'm never going to use. And I know a person who has more than five cauldrons. I'm sure that this happens to a lot of people and it would be very nice if we could sell those items and make some extra few galleons.

This sale would be an automatic system. Every object would have a standard price and we would have a "sell" option in our chest, where we can also see the "give present" and "throw away" options. This system wouldn't have to work for all items. There are some items that are unnecessary to have the sale option, like foods, drinks, pet foods and the most cheap items, like egg. 

I have already seen the idea of a "market" system to World of Potter, where all the players would be able to sell their items to other players. I think that, even if it's a great idea, it would be very complex. My idea is more focused on a simple and automatic system. Although, it would be really nice to have a market only for books, where the students could sell their old books to new students for a cheaper price. Example: a first year passed to the second year and sell his books to a new first year. It would be like a "second-handed" system, and the site could even add an "expiration date" for these books sold in the book market. However, this part of the idea ISN'T the focus.

The main part of my idea is: an system with standard prices for each item where we can sell the items from our chests and win some extra galleons. This system wouldn't have to work for ALL items, just for some of them, like books, ingredients, brooms, cauldrons, etc. It would work like a "throw away" option, but instead of throwing it away it would count as if you were selling it and you would make a few extra galleons. The prices of these items would ALWAYS be cheaper than the cost of the items on the stores. 

I have already seen a counter-argument to this idea that was based on the assumption that this is a bad idea because people would sell their gifts. To this argument, I must say that I don't see this as a problem. If people want to sell their gifts, I don't see a problem with that. And people wouldn't be able to sell some gifts like chocolate frog, sandwiches, drinks and all that stuff, because food wouldn't have a sell option, as mentioned above. I know that I, for example would never sell my gifts, because I value it a lot. And I know that other people wouldn't too. But, again, if they do, I don't see it as a problem.

I am sorry for the long idea, but I wanted to explain it well. I hope that you guys like it and that the idea is taken under consideration. 


Adults go to St. Mungos when fainted

Mira Jones 6 years ago updated by Kayte / Angela 6 years ago 4 1 duplicate

So when you have an adult character and faint you still only have to option to play/write at the Hogwarts Hospital Wing, but in my eyes it would make much more sense if adult characters instead would go to St. Mungos during that time.

It just doesn't make sense that a let's say 40 year old guy, that is not employed at Hogwarts would be sent to Hogwarts to recover. 


More house points for homework

Ximena 6 years ago updated by World of Potter 5 years ago 3

Dear WoPers,

I would like to see a review of the scoring system for homework and the evaluation of homework.

At the moment you get 5 house points for grading homework and between 2 and 10 house points for doing homework.

  • Outstanding: 10 house points and 12 Galleons
  • Exceeds Expectation: 8 house points and 10 Galleons
  • Good: 7 house points and 8 Galleons
  • Acceptable: 6 house points and 6 Galleons
  • Poor: 4 house points and 4 Galleons
  • Dreadful: 2 house points and 2 Galleons
  • Troll: 0 house points and 0 Galleons

I have no comparison to other WoP sites, so I can only assume WoP-DE.

Tasks of the homework on WoP-DE are usually very detailed. They often

consist of several questions. That's why homework, if you want to do it

properly, takes between one and two hours and many users write about

1000 words. At least that's not uncommon over here.

In the end, each of the 5 people grading homework earn 5 points - a total of 25 house points.

The time required for grading is about 15-20 minutes, even with detailed feedback of 180 characters and over.

Considering that so many users put much work and passion into their texts, the points are in my opinion a little too few.

Once for those who write really good homework and also for those who take the time to read and grade them.

In my opinion this work is worth more than the 5 or the 10 house points (in the best case).


Feed Other Users Pets

Alexandria 6 years ago updated by World of Potter 2 years ago 5 1 duplicate

It would be great if you could interact with other users pets more.  Either by feeding them the same food or by giving them small treats.


Like for newspaper articles

Evelyn Black 7 years ago updated by World of Potter 7 years ago 2

Since we can like almost everything now, it would be great if we could also like the articles of the newspapers. I know the jounalists and chief editors put a lot of love and work and time in those articles, so it would be great to show them, that we appreciate it, even if it is just through a like. 

Often people don't take the time to comment, even if they read it,  but a like is quickly given (:


(cwl) emoji

Vita Auden 7 years ago updated by anonymous 2 years ago 6

Can we please get something like this (cwl) emoji in the chat?

Image 88

I think I have multiple times seen that people have accidently written (cwl) in chat and was like: "Not Skype", because it is one of the most used emojis on skype and people use it all the time. I got to agree that I have been wanting to use something like it for so long, but have had to either just write: "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" or xD, when it was that (cwl) would have worked perfectly to it.

I hope that this will be taking into consideration, thank you very much <3


automatic milestones

puffkin 2 years ago updated by Dawn 1 year ago 6

Head of houses should be able to set up their milestones through the site and have it automatically gifted when members of their house reach the appropriate amount of point. They can set up their custom messages and choose items that are gifted as well.


1. On bigger sites, you are unable to see point values such as >50 due to the amount of point earners, meaning these people might never gain their prizes. 

2. Milestones also take a lot of time away from the Head of Houses when they could be devoting their time to their other duties. 

I think this idea has a lot of practicality and would insanely useful for all parties involved. thank you for reading!


Automatic deletion of inactive accounts

Marlene Harris 4 years ago updated by World of Potter 1 year ago 17

Many sites have anchored in their T&Cs that inactive accounts are automatically deleted if they are inactive for a certain period of time. WoP sometimes has the problem that new users sign up and then never come back.

Would it be possible to include a condition that accounts that have been inactive for half a year or even a whole year can be deleted? (not WoP year!!!)

Before the deletion, an email could be sent to the respective email addresses, so that the users can consider whether they want to come back or not.

This would have several advantages. On the one hand, it saves server capacity, and on the other hand, it is also important for data protection reasons. In addition, it would make the work of the backstory teams easier.

Besides, people are lazy! Very few people actively delete their accounts on various websites when they no longer want to use them.
Furthermore: If a deletion is clearly communicated by our terms and conditions, maybe some people will reconsider if they don't want to be online more regularly in order not to lose their character.


checkmarks indicating homework status

Evelyn Black 6 years ago updated by World of Potter 6 years ago 1

It would be nice if the little checkmarks that are infront of the single lessons when you submitted a homework could indicate whether the homework has already been graded or not. 

If it is not graded yet, the checkmarks could be black, like they are now. When the homework is graded they could turn green. As an option they could also be yellow when the grading has started (for example when one or two gradings are already done.) 

This way we would have a better overview over the homework status.