Welcome to World of Potters international feedback portal.

On this page you can suggest ideas, vote for the ideas you like and help develop World of Potter.

All ideas and comments should must be in english.


Receiving ALL Homework-Feedbacks, although if marked by AT

Xanya Q Daryce 5 years ago updated by Peggy Lily Malfoy 5 years ago 5

English Version

Dear WoP Community,

We have the following request:
If a homework has not received 5 feedbacks after 7 days, they directly go to the subject teams where they are being graded by the Assistant Teachers. However, they remain in the general pool and can still be graded by “anyone who is currently grading”, as long as they are in the Assistant teacher’s panel.

Anyways it can happen that a homework gets 4 feedbacks and then gets graded by an AT. If that happens, the person who turned in the homework only gets to see the AT feedback although up to 4 people made the effort to write one.

I think it’s a HUGE pity, that the already written feedback can’t be read, as the feedbacks are a main part of the motivation to write homework and everyone probably loves receiving and reading it. On top of that the people grading are not supposed to write their feedbacks for nothing, but should have the knowledge that their feedback is being read. After all there are rules and regulations to try hard and write good feedbacks.

Because of all of this I would like a solution from the operator so all feedbacks sent in for every homework are available to be read.

You have the same opinion? Then please support this idea with a thumbs up!
Thank you.

Greeting from the „Litte Lionsclub“

Alicia M. Selwyn

Laika V. Slowin

Merita T. Carmichael

Xanya Q. Daryce

(Me Xanya Q. Daryce is signing main responsibly, but the otheres are involved an will comment this shortly)

German Version

Hallo liebe WoP Gemeinschaft,

wir haben folgenden Änderungswunsch:

Wenn Hausaufgaben nach 7 Tagen keine 5 Feedbacks (Benotungen) haben, gehen sie ja an die Fachteams zu den HL. Dennoch bleiben sie weiter im allgemeinen Pool und können weiterhin von "irgendjemandem der gerade benoten geht" benotet werden - solange sie im HL Postfach liegen.

So oder so, kann es nun sein, dass eine Hausaufgabe 4 Feedbacks hat und dann von einem HL benotet wird. Dem Schreiber wird dann aber nur das HL Feedback angezeigt, obwohl sich ja bis zu 4 Personen die Mühe gemacht haben ein Feedback zu schreiben.

Wir finden es SEHR schade, dass man diese bereits geschriebenen Feedbacks nicht zu lesen bekommt, denn die Feedbacks sind ja ein großer Teil der Motivation Hausaufgaben zu schreiben und so ziemlich jeder bekommt vermutlich gern Feedback. Zudem sollten auch die Benoter nicht für die Tonne schreiben, sondern Wissen, dass ihr Feedback auch gelesen wird. Immerhin gibt es Regeln und vorgaben, sich dabei Mühe zu geben!

Daher wünschen wir uns von Betreiberseite eine technische Lösung, dass man alle eingeschickten Feedbacks zu Hausaufgaben auch zu lesen bekommt.

Ihr sehr das auch so? Dann unterstützt diesen Änderungswunsch bitte mit einem Like!


Es grüßt der „Kleine Löwenclub“

Alicia M. Selwyn

Laika V. Slowin

Merita T. Carmichael

Xanya Q. Daryce


Cuddle Pets in the Kennel

Luthor Page 7 years ago updated by Maxi Olympotens 4 years ago 9 2 duplicates

I think you should be able to cuddle pets in the kennel of any site. I will look at the kennel and see rows and rows of dozens of unhappy pets who do have full hunger bars but a sad expression on their sweet pet faces. 


More advanced code-options in lessons and articles

April Jaymes 7 years ago updated by World of Potter 5 years ago 6


I know there are more topics quite like this, but I want to again point out it would be nice to have better coding options in lessons and articles. I am a teacher and journalist (house noticeboard) on WoP NL and I have made a lot of codes for my articles / lessons. It's such a disappointment when the code doesn't work and with better code options there would be more possibilities to make my lessons and articles more interesting!

I hope you will take this into consideration!


Punishing Bad Graders Should Take Away Housepoints

Agnes Dupont 8 years ago updated by World of Potter 5 years ago 11

When an AT punishes a student for giving a wrong grade in an assignment that has been complained about or has varying grades, the student should not receive the 5 points for having helped grade the assignment. Honestly, they should probably have 10 points taken away so you are not only taking away the reward but also actually punishing.


Auction System

Rodrik 8 years ago 0

A Auction system would be a great feature for WoP, This is were you could hold auctions for rare items/pets etc which are not available in the normal shops. This would be a great feature for WoP.


ATS feedback

Evelyn Black 8 years ago updated by anonymous 2 years ago 5

It would be great if the graders could see why their feedback/grade they have given has been punished/approved. Every Assistant Teacher has to write a feedback on the feedback when they get complaints/varying grades and it would make more sense if the graders could actually read that feedback.


Counter/Achievements for Wizard Cards

B O. 3 years ago updated by Someone_not_me 2 years ago 5

I was a member when the wizard cards were introduced, but it's only now that I've unlocked the /sing feature. Keeping a rough count of how many cards I've opened in the last two days with the goal of finishing the last few collections (I think I was missing 6 cards or something) I can say that it took me at least 7k (SEVEN THOUSAND) cards before I got the last one I needed: Valentine. 

What I'd like to know is how many cards I've opened in total. [rant alert] Since salvaging was introduced it's no longer possible to get the sum by simply counting the collected cards, and it's very interesting to know the numbers. Especially if you're like me and want to collect some statistics on how many cards it takes before you complete the MoM collection, which is the one with the rarest cards if I'm not mistaken, so that you can use it for arguing that the card system is flawed and very unfair. Yes, it's built to be unfair, but the difference in cards needed to complete the collection can be pretty big. I know people who have completed it in 3k cards, while I must've opened at least 10k cards in total (a very rough estimate, since I don't have an actual number). As an oldie with more IG money than I can spend it wasn't a problem for me to buy 4k frogs + cards, but most people will have a real struggle to afford that. I also had VIP for opening most of those cards, which supposedly increases your chances of rare cards. I wonder how many more cards it would've taken without VIP.

I'm not just here to whine. I'm here to suggest a counter for number of opened cards. Use the same system as achievements (heck, make new achievements for it - I deserve a badge to show off my dedication), shouldn't be too hard to implement. 

For anyone passing by: how many cards did you need to open before you unlocked the /sing ? If you haven't unlocked it yet, how many cards have you opened without completing it? Rough numbers are fine, bonus points if you calculate the amount of IG and/or IRL money you spent on it. 


Additional Pets

Josten 7 years ago updated by World of Potter 4 years ago 5 1 duplicate

I would like to see more pets/creatures available for purchase. There are SO many that are part of the HP Universe and taught in CoMC, but they do not exist in the game. It would be really cool to be able to collect all kinds of them - and even have value based on rarity so that everyone doesn't have all kinds of madness going on, but a REAL collector could slowly amass a collection that even Newt Scamander would approve of :) 

It would also add to the RP side of it if the CoMC Teacher had a significant discount so the creatures could be more easily purchased and interacted with by the students as part of their education. And perhaps in the same manner that you cannot purchase some animals without having completed a certain year in CoMC, perhaps you cannot purchase/interact with said pets without having done so either. And have MoM Licenses for different classifications of creatures that you can own. 

Just tossing around some ideas as a CoMC lover :) 


Write a group owl to every member of a club

Harri J. Toepfer 7 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 0

It would be great for club admins to have the possibility to click on a button to write an owl to ALL of the members of the club. Because every time I want to contact all of my members, I have to copy every name manually into my message. This is very annoying...


New method to open chromos

Nemfey 7 years ago updated by World of Potter 6 years ago 5

I don't know if I'm the only one, but when I have a lot of chromos, it's boring for me to open them because it's so slow. That is why I propose a new method. After opening a chrome, you would have the option to open another one automatically. That's my idea ^^