Welcome to World of Potters international feedback portal.

On this page you can suggest ideas, vote for the ideas you like and help develop World of Potter.

All ideas and comments should must be in english.


Welcoming Message for New Sorted Students

Stan Riggs 7 years ago updated by World of Potter 5 years ago 3

Hey there,

I saw a message coming up this sunday, that the quidditch match was about to begin and it was in de great hall chat. That brougt to me the next idea:

I just had an awesome idea. There are a lot of new students that aren't even seen on a day by all the active people on the site.

My idea is to get an automatic message in the great hall chat everytime there is a new student sorted into their house. Because of this, people in de chat can easily see if there is a new student (not a new account) that has been accepted in Hogwarts. They can greet them and because of this the new student will feel far more welcome and are maybe going to stick around on the site. 

Because of this, people can help them find there way on the site, send an owl with information and more. 

Also something, when a troll is sorted into an house, you can get to him faster too.

I think this will be a great idea for keeping people around on the site. And the sorting hat is sorting them in the great hall, so why not really get a message in de chat. Then people can celebrate there new house student. 

BTW: Trolling students who are coming in, will most likely only troll and not get sorted because that's a waste of time for them. So there name is more likely not to appear on it. 

What i mean is:

*insert sorting hat emoji here* George Everson ... GRYFFINDOR!! (something like that)

Or more informal:

*insert sorting hat emoji here* George Everson is now sorted into Gryffindor

If you have any other questions, let me know ;)


IT would be Nice in the want chooses you instead of us choosing our wants.

Li Ying Brouns 7 years ago updated by World of Potter 7 years ago 6 1 duplicate

In the books and the movies the want of a wizard or witch chooses his master. In this game we can buy whatever want we choose, but it would be nicer if the want chooses us. That can be done in the same way as the choosing ceremonies at the beginning of the game.


Keeping track of your own homework

Sophia Secunda 8 years ago updated by World of Potter 6 years ago 3 1 duplicate

It would be nice if we were able to see for ourself how many people already graded your homework.

maybe if we look in our own homework, that we can see just the number of people who have graded it already.

World of Potter 6 years ago

There is a function now that shows you whether the grading already has started or not. When the checkmark next to your submitted homework is yellow, grading has started. We hope this comes close to your idea (:


A small flag to show where users are from

Sunny Gem 8 years ago updated by World of Potter 8 years ago 2

I have thought of one thing that I would really like to see on the page and that is; a small flag next to the username to show where the user(not the character) is from. This could be optional. Some people might not be that good in English and would want to find people from their own country to talk with in owls, this could help with that. It also a lot of fun to see where other users come from and would maybe also help the developers on the site to see which country WoP is most popular.


Notifications in Admin HW Folders

Elian Venture 5 years ago updated by Ana Ilijašić 4 years ago 1

As an AT/Teacher you have to go in and check the homework folders regularly to see if there are any new assignments and - especially as a teacher - you have to click through all three of the categories. It would be really helpful with a small notification next to each button (like the one next to the next to the changelog) saying how many assignments each folder contains (or alternatively how many new/unread ones). 

Not only would it help save time, but also give a better overview of the work that is to be done. 

Though this is a small thing, it would really help my everyday WoP life!


Experience for cuddling pets

Adalynn Greenwood 7 years ago updated by World of Potter 5 years ago 6

I just tried to do so to make sure it wasn't a part of the site yet. This would make it much more attractive to cuddle other people's pets on a daily basis as it would also benefit one self in a little bit.


Late night snack (free meal)

Jada Nightflame 7 years ago updated by World of Potter 5 years ago 4

You could get a free meal from 11PM to 1AM, for the people who work night shifts or are in inconvenient timezones. It could be described as a late night snack. Perhaps a free meal button like in the Great Hall, but in the kitchen, to make it more realistic


Trophy room

Rodrik 8 years ago updated by World of Potter 7 years ago 4

A trophy room which shows who won all the cups each year, For example Quidditch cup , House cup etc, This would be a nice way for people to remember who won each year, And would be an awesome feature to the collection! So you could have a trophy from each year A Trophy Room RP forum would also be a nice add too! So people can RP looking at the trophy from way back to near future.Image 16


Remove Ping from Newly-Sorted User Message

Cade Brooks 5 years ago updated by World of Potter 5 years ago 4

I’m sorry if there is another feedback topic for this but I haven’t found any so I’m creating a new one.

My suggestion is about one of the newest features that have been added to WoP, which is the announcement of newly sorted users in the Great Hall chat. While I do think this new feature is really great and that it helps people to welcome new users to the site, I strongly believe that it should not send a ping to everybody each time somebody is sorted. I’m sure that many would agree with me that pings are used often and have an important function when somebody, as an individual, is needed. This works the best especially when you are multitasking and you have to keep another tab open on your browser but also want to keep an eye on WoP. Recently I have found myself checking more welcoming messages than actual pings and I have heard from lots of other people that it has been the same with them.

So long story short, my suggestion is to keep the welcoming messages for the newly sorted users, but eliminating the ping function from it. This way the newly sorted users will still have a notification in chat and will be greeted by the people that are active there, but there won't be a ping.


Better Rewards for Better Assignments

Cade Brooks 6 years ago updated by Henrietta Nagy 4 years ago 5

I have written several assignments myself. I always put lots of effort and time into my assignments and got the Outstanding score from all of them. However, after starting to grade the assignments of others and reading the assignment grading guide thoroughly I noticed that it was really easy to get the Outstanding grade. Basically the assignment grade is lowered when one fails to meet requirements, but as long as all the requirements are met and the sources are stated they get the perfect grade. This made me feel like I wasted my time carefully writing a detailed RPG post for my assignment whereas I could have gotten the same grade with merely several sentences.

So my proposal is this: There should be bonus rewards like house points, or more experience or galleons than usual, for those who go out of their way and make a real effort writing an assignment. This way the Outstanding grade can be achieved easily, but the extra time and thinking that was put into detailed ones also won't go unnoticed.