Welcome to World of Potters international feedback portal.

On this page you can suggest ideas, vote for the ideas you like and help develop World of Potter.

All ideas and comments should must be in english.


New Topic Areas & The World Outside

Min 8 years ago updated by Craig the cookie fairy 7 years ago 11 1 duplicate

We'd love some more specific topic areas for more places to RP in and perhaps a shuffle with "The World Outside" topic area.

The World Outside

Under this tab we have two new areas.

The World Outside 

- The World Outside (All)

- The World Outside (Graduates only) - locked as the current area is


- Ministry of Magic

- Platform 9 3/4

Other New Topic Areas

Teacher Offices (In Hogwarts tab, Second Floor)

Classroom (In Hogwarts, Second Floor)

Shrieking Shack (In Hogsmeade)

Other optional ones ;)

Headmaster's Office

Minister of Magic Office

Heads of Houses Offices

Other suggestions I've already found being suggested that bear repeating so they don't get lost:

Forbidden Forest (In Hogwarts, Grounds)

Dungeons (In Hogwarts, The Crypt)

Gringotts (currently planned)

- submitted by the staff at WoP <3


Tick all button for notifications

Rodrik 8 years ago updated by World of Potter 7 years ago 3

A button which you can use to clear all the notifications by saying you've read them all. So you can get rid of a bunch of notifications at a time instead of clicking the button saying you've read/close notification on each one at a time.

Under review

Customisable profile cover

Claude Webster 3 years ago updated by Calypso Rebelke 3 years ago 3

Image 422

Image 423

Image 424

Give us the ability to customise the profile cover :D it would help people who come onto our walls immediately work out what sort of person/character we are, and everyone's profile would be unique and different. Perhaps it would be a VIP only feature (but I wouldn't say no to it being a free one too).

We'd just upload a photo from our computer or via url, and that would be it. Quite simple but it'd have a pretty big difference! Because some images wouldn't work at certain sizes, perhaps we could also choose the background size and position.


Final deletion of accounts

Marlene Harris 6 years ago updated by World of Potter 5 years ago 1


For a while now it has been possible for accounts to be deleted on request or for any reason. But instead of disappearing completely from the server, they continue to be kept as card files. It would save a lot of storage space if these accounts disappeared. Besides, it looks less sad. :)




IG birthday - wall notification

Jenna Armstrong 6 years ago updated by World of Potter 4 years ago 6

Now that the update of realistic aging has been implemented on the site a while back, IG birthdays seem to pass almost without notice. Perhaps it would be a small but fun addition to add an automatic wall notification on someone's IG birthday saying, for example, 'Lucy Kingsford has turned 23 today!' or 'Lucy Kingsford has her birthday today'. This way, you don't forget it yourself either and it would just be something small and nice that I'd like to see! It could be as simple as the little example I made below.

Image 161


Pets: Cuddle All - Option

Lars Luminus 7 years ago updated by Adalynn Greenwood 5 years ago 6

Dear Wizards!

We all know the situation - three or more pets and the cooldown between cuddling them.

It would be a lot easier, if there was a button with the function to "cuddle all" at the same time.


Search in owlery

Henrietta Nagy 7 years ago updated by World of Potter 7 years ago 1

It would be great if we would be able to search owls by username or title/keyword in the owlery with adding a 'searching field' at the top. That would be really helpful for those who have to deal with a lot of owls because of their jobs, or just generally and need to find an older one.


More Options for Non VIP people

aSTARia 6 years ago updated by World of Potter 5 years ago 2

One thing I've noticed during my time on WoX sites is that a lot of people do not have the money to purchase VIP. Some people don't even have a card. For example, I myself have the money, but I do not have a card to purchase VIP. It really sucks to watch other people get all these cool new features and simply not be able to anything with the new features just because I don't have a card or money. 

My suggestion is to extend some of these features out to Non-VIPS. I'm not saying to just give them free rein of the same things VIP users get, what I'm suggesting is a limit.

For the new relation thing, perhaps non-VIPS could have a 5 relation limit, and the VIPS are unlimited. 

For the editing for PT/BS's, perhaps we can use underline and bullet points, but no gifs or pics. VIPs still get it all.

For the pet names, perhaps we could only get to name one pet. VIPs unlimited. 

Its the little things that make our experience so much more, and it sucks that people with little money or no card can't even try the things that VIPS can. I'm not saying to just give us everything, but it would be really cool if we could at least have a small piece of what VIPs get. 

Perhaps we could even trade in a certain amount of points or galleons we've earned to unlock a feature. Of course, it would have to be a significant amount of points/galleons because I do understand the sites still need to make money to add more features.

Perhaps people who do have cards/money would purchase VIP simply because they've at least tried the features and like them.

I feel like even if we can only make 1 relation, or name 1 pet, it would still make our experience so much more.



Search last names

Squirrel Jo 8 years ago updated by World of Potter 6 years ago 4

It'd be useful to make it possible to search last names on the Marauders Map. For example, to find people who might be your IG family ^^ 


Price for partially name change

Dyron Adelaide 7 years ago updated by World of Potter 6 years ago 8

I often find myself in the position where I only want to change only the first, middle or surname of my user but I'd have to pay the complete 20 euros, dollars or whatsoever. I would like an option where it's divided in three separate (and cheaper) options so I would have to spend less money on changing only a part of my name.

World of Potter 6 years ago

It won't be possible to divide the name change in seperate changes unfortunately, but with the new prizes we have on all the sites now, we hope that it comes close to your idea (: At least the name change is more affordable now (: