Under review

Customisable profile cover

Claude Webster 3 years ago updated by Calypso Rebelke 3 years ago 3

Image 422

Image 423

Image 424

Give us the ability to customise the profile cover :D it would help people who come onto our walls immediately work out what sort of person/character we are, and everyone's profile would be unique and different. Perhaps it would be a VIP only feature (but I wouldn't say no to it being a free one too).

We'd just upload a photo from our computer or via url, and that would be it. Quite simple but it'd have a pretty big difference! Because some images wouldn't work at certain sizes, perhaps we could also choose the background size and position.


Some update on this would be nice :D


Love this idea! I have seen it implemented (sorta) on World of Forgotten Dungeons as having a default image, this would be really cool if we could do this ourselves!