Welcome to World of Potters international feedback portal.

On this page you can suggest ideas, vote for the ideas you like and help develop World of Potter.

All ideas and comments should must be in english.


Let friends grade each others homework

Jada Nightflame 8 years ago updated by World of Potter 6 years ago 13

A lot of assignments are starting to end up in the ungraded section for ATs/teachers, and a lot of people have to wait a really long time to get their homework back. I propose allowing friends to grade each others homework. Less work for the ATs, more points to be earned, what more could you want? 

You could argue that friends will give each other a higher grade, even if they don't deserve it, but that can easily be done if they were to unfriend solely to grade as well. I've unfriended some people just so we can grade each others assignments and earn more points...


Owlery as Topic location

Thom Serum 7 years ago updated by SemillonIvaNova 4 years ago 1 1 duplicate

Just like other locations, The Owlery as location to start and create topics.


Owl signature

Jenna Armstrong 7 years ago updated by repair dental 1 year ago 12 1 duplicate

In owls, have the possibility to set a standard signature, such as 'Victoria Waterstone, Flying professor' or a picture. This means you don't have to manually add it every time you send an owl, and it's similar to the function of having your signature underneath topic replies - just in owls. This would save quite some time if you send a lot of official owls for your job!


Adding Dogs to the Magic Menagerie

Mr. Thompson 7 years ago updated by World of Potter 4 years ago 8

I would like to have some Dogs available in the Magic Menagerie.


Teachers able to see how many people make their assginments

Cyrele Moune 7 years ago updated by World of Potter 6 years ago 5

I had an idea as I was writing a new lesson, because I wondered how many students are still making the assignments, since we're in year 5, and I almost only see 1st year and 2nd year assignments which I need to check out.

So I was wondering, can you make a function where teachers can see how many students submitted work for the individual assignments? To take it easy on the server, this can be reset with the start of the new schoolyear. But I am wondering how many students are making my assignments.


Folders for items in your chest

Marleen Watson 6 years ago updated by Maxi Olympotens 3 years ago 9 4 duplicates

I have a ton of items in my chest and I sometimes have difficulties finding them. Therefore I would suggest creating folders like 'Food', 'pet food', and the like. You could also create your own folders to keep things organised. Sincerely, a person with mild OCD :D


Make a club with galleons

Nym 7 years ago updated by World of Potter 4 years ago 12 3 duplicates

Hello, I have an idea. When you are making a new club you have to pay 1 euro, which I think is great, but I also think it would be great to have the option to pay with galleons. 

Pros- It gives everyone an opportunity to make clubs

Cons-  It could lead to an overfloat of clubs and some troll clubs



Chloe Lovegood 8 years ago updated by World of Potter 5 years ago 7

Image 10


"The next password will be 'mad-eye'. Keep each other safe. Keep faith. Goodnight."- River in the 1998 broadcast of Potterwatch.

What is Potterwatch? (Harry Potter universe):
"Potterwatch was a pirate radio programme hosted by Lee Jordan (River) [...] during the Second Wizarding War. Fred Weasley (Rodent) co-hosted; Remus Lupin (Romulus) and Kingsley Shacklebolt (Royal) both appeared [on Potterwatch] [...] Potterwatch supplied information to the wizarding community about recent events that were not reported by the Wizarding Wireless Network or the Daily Prophet." (Source: http://harrypotter.wikia.com/wiki/Potterwatch) This is taken directly from Harry Potter Wikia.

What would Potterwatch be to WoP?

Potterwatch would be an in-game article written by a freelance journalist(s) who either already holds a colour or wants to work under a different form of Harry Potter Journalism. Each week or whenever they wish it to be set, they'd write a completely In Game column of the events happening up to date in the harry potter universe which do not fall under the Category of the DP of Quibbler. They would go under a code name which they can chose to keep secret or share with people. E.G- Chloe Lovegood: "Amor", after the Latin word for Love.

Potterwatch could cover any topic from any suspicious activity in the wizarding world to the classes being taken this year and would work souley as if it was written as a radio broadcast. It could focus on activity in Knockturn Alley, such as illegal trading, or even focus on the wider international community (All IG work) allowing for user creativity. E.G-

[Radio crackles slightly as the tuning fixes]

Amor: Welcome to Potterwatch [static over takes the voice for a moment before she repeats herself impatiently], the show which brings the news to you over the radio. I'm your host, Amor, and tonight I will be discussing with you the not so nice side of Animal Trading in or "quaint" littler Knockturn alley.

... Article with guests, etc ...

I would like to repeat that the password for our next show will be "Wormwood". Stay tuned in, keep looking for our signal- we are always here.

[Radio cuts off, ending the broadcast]

This would allow for a completely new side to WoP Articles! It could be an idea for a future, but I would gladly put myself forward to write for it if the idea is accepted.


Play-Lamp on marauders map

Marlene Harris 5 years ago updated by World of Potter 4 years ago 1

Dear Wopler,

as we all know, role playing is a very important aspect on all World of sites. But sometimes it is not so easy to differentiate between the people who want to play and the people who just want to do their homework.

That's why the idea was born that some kind of 'signal' could be integrated on the marauders map similar to the green 'online' light which we already have. So you can click on your own lamp to set whether you are looking for something or not.

Green - I am looking for a play

Red - not interested right now

Blue - AFK (as an example)

Purple - Busy

That would perhaps also take away the shyness of some people to contact someone who you don't know yet or who you find interesting, but have never dared to send an owl to.




Lotte Visser. 7 years ago updated by Adalynn Greenwood 7 years ago 2 1 duplicate

A market where you can sell your stuff or buy. 
What you no longer need.