getting runaway pets back!
Having pets run away because you have a busy life outside of the site for one reason or another sucks, we all know that. but having an option to get them back would be awesome, there are multiple ways this could be done but the following is my suggestion.
make a tap somewhere (maybe hide it near the COMC class or the room of requirement) with a NPC (in the same style as Fred and George) where you can pay to have him/her/them search for your lost pet, eighter at a small fee, or have x amount of free tries (i would gladly pay for this). it would not be a guarantee that they find it in the first try, so it could get expensive, but some of us really like the pets and would be willing to pay for that.
You could possibly make it a VIP feature?
Perhaps 5Galeons+VIP per try?
I would gladly do the coding for it if needed, but i have no skills in it so it is probably best that I leave it to the pros ;)
Customer support service by UserEcho
This is a really cool feature - but you could just put the pet in the kennel!
Also on some sites you can still RP with the pet even if it runs away!
i know that is an option - but not everyone is aware of it, or even has the time to do it (if something irl comes up unplaned)
on the sites i am on nobody cares if you have the pet you use in rp or not, but personally i would still love to "get them back"
As someone who just lost a very beloved WoP pet (a niffler from the first easter egg hunt, so it's an old and special one) due to simple facts of life that I can't help, I strongly agree that there should be a way to rescue your lost pets. I'd gladly pay IRL money to get my niffler back, he's that special to me (and I usually don't get emotionally attached to digital pets at all) and in many ways also an achievement and reward to show off, marking that I did partake in that first egg hunt. Part of the value is the age (and in some cases, the randomized given name) and that can't be replaced by a new pet.
I'm not saying it should be easy or something to be taken lightly, but there should be an option for those special pets that mean more than the rest and holds value in memories and experiences that you want to be represented on your account. I can't be the only one who'd be willing to spend IRL money on rescuing a pet that represents and symbolises several IRL years of activity and dedication to the site, and while it might not be a huge boost to the site's income it surely can't hurt to have the option for people who are willing to spend on it. It's not a pay to win, it's a minor feature that won't give any advantages (unlike VIP, character changes or wizard cards) but still provide something valuable to the player.
You can't always foresee that you won't be able to look after an online pet, after all. If I'd realised I wouldn't feed my pets for over a week I would've put them in the kennel, galleons is not the issue here. What I lack is foresight >.<
Argh I support this D: some of the pets carry a huge value, either cause they were won in some sort of contest (such as Easter egg hunt) or were your first pet (such as in my case, Taffy has been with me ever since I first joined site and on occasions she was the only reasons I log on) and losing her was one of the worst things that happened
I'd give anything to get her back so I definitely agree that this feature is much needed
As others have already said, sometimes you can't predict how long you'll be away for because life gets in the way and you don't have the time to put your pets in the kennel before they run away