Welcome to World of Potters international feedback portal.

On this page you can suggest ideas, vote for the ideas you like and help develop World of Potter.

All ideas and comments should must be in english.


To be able to see a list of the topics a user is participating in or has created on their profile

Brandon/Jae Williams 6 years ago updated by Roseleigh 6 years ago 4

This would of course allow you to choose which topics are allowed to be shown publically. I just feel like it would be easier for people to read about your character if they can follow their story in topics. I see lots of users putting a list of their topics already in their profile texts/backstories, and I think that it should be an official list on the profile instead as it would be easier for everyone. 


Create sections to order your chest

thumadreewop 7 years ago updated by World of Potter 1 year ago 1

Hello everybody!

I was looking for my cherries in my chest and I became completly crazy doing that. 

There might be a lot of people that has many items in their chest and it would be great if we can create sections like "Food", "Books", "Clothes", "Drink" and move the items in the section you want.

I don't know if it would be difficult to the programmers, but it would be useful. 

Thank you for your atention!


¡Hola a todos!

Estuve buscando mis cerezas en mi baúl y me volví completamente loco haciendo esto. Puede haber mucha gente que tenga un montón de objetos en su baúl y estaría muy bien si pudiéramos crear secciones como "Comida", "libros, "ropa", "bebida" y moverlos en la sección que quieras. 

No sé si sería muy dificil para los programadores, pero sería muy util.

Gracias por tu atención.


Amendment of the "Friend Grading System"

Arcturus_Fellglow/Felix Meyer 7 years ago updated by Kayte / Angela 7 years ago 4

This is an ongoing issue that has been about for awhile since the opening of WoP and we really need to do something about a very particular issue with the grading system here, that punishes active users who love to socialize and have many friends. Such users get really friendly and friend almost the entire active base of WoP users and that is great and all.

However when it comes to grading You are unable to grade a friends homework and therein is where the issue lies. Those who friend so many people and are consistently friend so many people take much longer for their homework to be graded and in many cases they aren't ever completed to be graded and is sent to "Ungraded Assignments". As An AT in the past I have seen dozens of cases where there pile up 5,6 or 7 assignments yet to be graded, and they are all from the same person(real life example included below) because no one can grade their work. Since it takes one week before the system sends them to the Grading Admin Tool,these are inconvenient for both the site, and the user.

A User had to wait 2 weeks before anything was graded, in addition and whats even worse, I've seen students post on their walls that they are deleting friends off their lists so their homework can actually be graded. 

This makes me sad, we shouldn't have to remove or delete friends to get homework graded and Teachers and AT's shouldn't have to sit there and grade 6 or 7 assignments from the same person on a consistent basis.

I suggest Amending the grading system so that a certain point once you reach a high enough number of friends, say 100, it no longer blocks you from grading your friends homework.It sort of 'unlocks' that feature because by then you'll have become an active member of the site and this could also be a reward of sorts, sure it doesn't help the lower activity users, though it won't effect them either way. This ends up being a rewarding system and hopefully can be implemented without further consequence. 

Under review

New chocolate frog cards: Potioneers! (or alternatively, inventors)

Olivia 5 years ago updated by World of Potter 5 years ago 1

How is Zygmunt Budge not yet on a card? Or Arsenius Jigger? Nicolas Flamel???

Okay, no, I get it. The current cards hold characters much better known in the Harry Potter universe than the ones I mention. But if you're looking for a new idea for a pack of cards, here's a list of Potioneers with interesting inventions, books or innovations in potion-making:

  • Libatius Borage
  • Zygmunt Budge
  • Phineas Bourne
  • Arsenius Jigger
  • Nicolas Flamel
  • Damocles Belby 
  • Gunhilda de Gursemoor
  • Fleamont Potter
  • Glover Hipworth
  • Laverne de Montmorency
  • Sacharissa Tugwood
  • Hesper Starkey
  • Regulus Moonshine

And in addition to these there are even more interesting Potioneers, though I think these are enough as packs are usually only ten, and this list consists of eleven names, all unique and not already on existing wizard cards.

Alternatively or additionally, you could add a pack of inventors of spells, potions, and other innovations. There are plenty to pick from and they're educating, too! 


Create our own relation names

Squirrel Jo 6 years ago updated by World of Potter 6 years ago 6

So the new relations system has just been implemented and I love it, but. The thing is, there's a few small list of the relations you can have, and a lot of the "basic" ones are missing, like siblings, enemy, etc. First of all, I would really like these ones to be added, as well as a lot of others that other people will think of. So actually, a list of the "basic" relations could really be long : stepsister, godfather, etc. If we try to list them all, we have 100% chances to forget a few ones. 

Moreover I know a lot of users can have, let's call them, "unique/original" relations. For example, "Idol", "Archenemy", "Fav Unicorn", etc. These are not what I would call basic relations, as they can be more complicated than just "friend" or "enemy", and anyways a list of all these "unique" relations would be endless. 

So what I suggest is a new option for us to create our own relation names. So when I want to create a new relation, I choose the user I want to send the request too, and I can actually type the name of the relation I want with them. No list, so I choose to simply be their sister, or their Amazing Queen of Pancakes - I choose !


Feedback to relations system

luciadrake 6 years ago updated by miLLe 6 years ago 3

Hey WoP!
The new relations system is quite nice although I have a few suggestions. Firstly, I'd really like to be able to move them around like friends in the friends list, so that all family members can be e.g. in the top of the list and best friends in the bottom. Secondly, why isn't there a "sibling"-function? That would be helpfull and smart. Thirdly on the danish site it would be really cool to have a "best female friend" (veninde) next to the "best friend" one and maybe an enemy/nemesis option :-) And lastly; some of us have talked about it be aestheticly much more appealing to the eye if the the text size was the same as "profile info" (as someone who are studying webdesign I know it's an important part of the whole of the website to have users find it appealing). It seems unnecessarily big as it is now. 
That was just some ideas :-) 

Have a nice day. 


Getting pets from chocolate frog collections

LucileLestrange 7 years ago updated by Vita Auden 3 years ago 4

In the last chocolate frog collection I completed, I got a cornish pixie. I also have a pet pygmy puff that I never adopted and have always been confused about how it got there but never realised until now. I don't think that when you complete a chocolate frog card collection you should be able to get pets. I have obviously accepted both these animals and found an IG way to explain their random appearance but I think that not everyone wants the responsibility/inconvenience of a pet they weren't expecting.

Since it isn't possible to gift people pets, I don't think it should be possible to win them either. 


More visable Rules/Guidelines

Crystal White 7 years ago updated by Sean Hanworn 7 years ago 5

Just a little suggestion about how to make the Rules and Guidelines more visable.

Not everyone goes on click and try round when they're new on a page and I think it'd help to have links to the Rules/Guidelines at the top of the page between links to places and the map. I believe it would make it easier for new players (and others) to find them as they'd be more visable and only one click away.


Forbidden section

Merabeth 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 0

As for the Forbidden section, there is a topic for making a forbidden section, but i was more thinking towards a section you can only enter by doing something in the main libarry. To use /me for instance, you need to go to the map and succeed a task. What if the same thing could apply for the forbidden section? 

So in main library you must activate or do some sort of task to be able to enter the Forbidden section.


Quidditch Captain Job Color/Pay

Declan Donnelly 7 years ago updated by World of Potter 6 years ago 7

Greetings all, 

Since becoming HoH I have noticed how much work the Quidditch captains put into their role. Between organizing practices and tryouts, answering (a lot) of prospective owls, making sure that the line up is submitted before the game, and teaching players how to play, I really think they are deserving of a pay and possibly a color on the jobs list. 

From where I stand, it's clear that they put in a lot to their role. During a game week, their work load can take up to 8+ hours a week. 

My suggestion is as follows: 

1) 20 galleon a week pay, similar to other student jobs

2) A spot on the job list with a color

3) Head of Houses would supervise the role. When a captain is selected, they would be in charge of "officially" hiring them through administration.

The only problem I foresee is if a captain already has another student job. However, in this situation it would give students a new position to look forward to and get excited about. There would need to be rules created about having one job/one color to make this work. 

I look forward to hearing your thoughts. 

Declan Donnelly