Welcome to World of Potters international feedback portal.
On this page you can suggest ideas, vote for the ideas you like and help develop World of Potter.
All ideas and comments should must be in english.
New year limits for pets (that actually make at least some sense)
When the new pets were introduced, I guess everybody was quite in shock at first. Especially on the newer WoP pages apart from the EU page, many many students were suddenly unable to repurchase their beloved pets due to not having reached the year limit.
I am a librarian on the German page. Together with our library leader, a member of the backstory team, the male Hufflepuff prefect and many more to prove-read, we came up with a new division of the pets into classes.
They are as following:
Name | Current Year | Suggested Year |
Eagle Owl | 1 | 6 |
Tawny Owl | 6 | 4 |
Long-Eared Owl | 3 | 4 |
Boreal Owl | 2 | 2 |
Short-Eared Owl | 5 | 3 |
Barn Owl | 3 | 3 |
Little Owl | 6 | 1 |
Snowy Owl | 4 | 5 |
The new division is based on the size of the owls as well as their prize and description of their behavior. It simply doesn't make sense that you would need to be Year 6 to own a Little Owl but may have an Eagle Owl in first year with the bird having a wing span taller than the student.
Next up:
Name | Current Year | Suggested Year |
Abyssinian Cat | 3 | 2 |
Norwegian Forest Cat | 4 | 1 |
Bengal Cat | 6 | 4 |
Main Coon Cat | 6 | 5 |
Burmese Cat | 5 | 4 |
Europé Cat | 2 | 3 |
Persian Cat | 5 | 3 |
Wild Cat | 6 | 1 |
British Shorthair Cat | 3 | 6 |
House Cat | 1 | 2 |
Again, the new division is based on description of behavior and price.
Name | Current Year | Suggested Year |
House Mouse | 1 | 1 |
Field Mouse | 5 | 4 |
Wood Mouse | 2 | 2 |
White Mouse | 4 | 3 |
Basically all mice could be available in first year. But since we totally understand that there needs to be a division of some sort, we decided to but it as low as possible, therefore only changing two years and making all mice available within the first four years. Because honestly all types of mice are easy to handle here.
Name | Current Year | Suggested Year |
Harlequin Toad | 6 | 2 |
Toad | 1 | 1 |
The same applies here. Toads are easy to handle, even for the youngest students. Therefore there's no sense in making a toad only available for the highest two classes. This also might make toads more attractive as pets as they are available to young students while their dream pet might not be.
And last but definitely not least:
Name | Current Year | Suggested Year |
Pygmy Puff | 3 | 3 |
Purple Pygmy Puff | 4 | 3 |
Cornish Pixies | 6 | 6 |
Pygmy Puffs are the same creatures, only their color is different. That's why they should be available at the same time. Isn't it discriminating enought that the purple pygmy puff is much more expensive than the "regular" one?
If you actually read til down here: First of all, thank you so much for your time. We understand it's a lot of input right now but if you like this idea we would really appreciate your support on this. Hopefully it's a soluction we can all agree on and be happy with ♥
On the drop down menu it would be nice to have the 'trunk/backpack' option
Make an option for us to go to our backpacks or trunks from the drop down menu instead of having to go to our profile each time we need to go to them.
Paying to Un-Faint
Even when a student has more than 200 galleons in Gringotts, they cannot pay the galleons to revive their characters unless the galleons are in their pockets. I know that there are many people who put all their money (like me) in Gringotts so it doesn't go missing over time, and it's quite annoying to have the money, be willing to pay, and then not be able to pay. I suggest that if you have a sufficient amount of galleons in Gringotts, then you should be able to pay (in galleons) to un-faint.
Graduated (non-staff) Quidditch
People who graduate from Hogwarts the 'normal' way, so didn't get a boost because they got a staff job, could play for teams like Appleby Arrows and Holyhead Harpies. But they could also choose to (keep) play(ing) for their House teams.
Buy VIP with Ideal or Mobile
I want to buy vip on my other account but I don't have paypal or a creditcard. So I thougt why not add IDEAL to that list. That would be really helpfull for a lot of Europian countries in my opinion
Housepoints for Plays
As it is right now, the only way to achieve Housepoints is via Homeworks, correcting such or the little riddles.
But the Game lives off of plays, not of homework no one else will ever see.
Achieving Housepoints for posts in plays or for finished and closed plays, would be a great way to keet the whole Game more active.Since this is the core-mechanic of the whole page there should be some sort of reward fot posting plays. If not housepoints then at least a few knuts would be some kind of motivation.
However granting points for those who paticipate in roleplaying topics would make sense on a meta basis - In the actual world of Harry Potter students can gain rewards for their houses not only through diligent school-work, but also through remarkable actions and noticeable behavior - Since this seems to descripe the content of nearly every play out there, voila!
It would also offer an option for adult characters to participate in the whole house-contest, which in reverse
results in a more active playing enviorement outside of Hogwarts itself. This would be beneficial for things like the Quidditch league, the whole added job-system and so on.
Buy VIP with Galleons
So I was thinking…
Everyone has after like 7 Years of Hogwarts a lot of Galleons. If you store them in Gringotts you get even more Galleons trough interest. So here is the question.
What do we do with 100000 of Galleons !? Of course, we can Buy Cards and Collect them. But what about the People who don't care about the Cards ? (Me for example xD)
Wouldn't it be more awesome, if you could buy your VIP for Galleons ? (xxx Galleons = xxx Days/Month VIP)
First of all: It would really motivate People in doing and correcting Homework again.
Second: It would be great for those, who just don't want to spend their Galleons on Cards or what ever.
And third: If you want to buy VIP and Cards, just do and Correct a lot of Homework, Collect Point for your House and get those Galleons !
Your own Diary page
A good fiend of mine came with this idea she asked me to put it here. . You can write your own diary on your profile page you can select if you want it to be public or only for yourself. You can edit it yourself and save it.
For vip owners is it maybe possible to create their own diary they can edit the style and add pictures.
See in Shops which items you already have
I think it would be nice to be able in shops to see, when you already have items. Just like a button under the buy button that says "x in your inventory".
Advertisement underneath the lesson code
Instead of inside the lesson why not underneath it like the ad box above it? Looks much prettier and will most likely obtain more views as it is distributed through the page more.
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