Welcome to World of Potters international feedback portal.
On this page you can suggest ideas, vote for the ideas you like and help develop World of Potter.
All ideas and comments should must be in english.
Be able to add a dash in your character' name
It came to my attention a long time ago that using a dash (-) is not possible when it comes to creating your character name. Today it came to my attention once again while changing my character's name. Lots of names use the dash and I think we should be able to use it on our character's names on-site as well when creating a character or changing your already existing name. Not only can we not use a dash in names, it's also not possible for us to use other special characters like accents when creating names
Rereading your homework you already made without it being the actual week
I was looking for some information I wrote in one of my homework assignments as I needed the details I wrote beck then for one of my topics. However as it is an assignment I made in my first year in week 5 or 6 I'm not able to look into it at the moment as we are in week 2 of this year.
So my request is that when you have made an hw assignment and it is graded, that you are able to open this assignment and read it no matter which week it is, so that you are able to use the information without having to wait for the actual week.
As the homework is already made it shouldn't give a problem to be able to look back into it.
When you Faint you should be able to go to the bank no one has 200 gold on hand
People sometimes faint and they have to wait an hour to get back in the game. There is another option and it is pay 200 gold to get in now we should have the bank be an unfainted area so if someon feels like it they can remvoe 200 dollars real quick and move on.The problem and the reaosn no one carries 200 on hand is the waliking round you lose gold this is just a suggestion
the year limit for some animals is high
Dear World of Potter Team,
I have a huge problem relating to the new pet rule. I love the new system, that pats are not an 'object' anymore, but why can't I buy me my field mouse? A little mouse shouldn't have a year limit. Dangerous animals oder animals who need more care, okay. But why a little field mouse? I had my little mouse since my first day here and I think a 13 year old girl can handle a field mouse.
IG time shown in topics
We all know the setting for "time" when creating a topic, and the general understanding here is that it's for what day and what time of day it is. Shouldn't there also be a note about what time of year it is?
The general understanding of the rules is that your topic takes place in the week and year it's posted in. Example, I create a topic in week 3 year 2. Even if it's now a long time later, say year 5, the topic is still taking place in year 2. This should be noted somewhere, as to avoid confusion and making it easier to see on older topics when they take place.
As it is against the rules to RP in the past or the future, this should be an automatic setting (meaning that users don't need to fill it in with the other settings, it shows up automatically). The alternative would be to make a rule to include IG year/month in either your time setting or your first post.
To summarise, what I'm suggesting is a function that shows what year/month it is IG in each topic, which will be based on when the topic was first created. It'd be a simple addition to the settings summary on top of each topic.
Thank you for the consideration!
/ Darling Walsh, WoP EU
AT work notification
when there are pieces of homework that come into a folder for the AT or teachers the people responsible keep a notification so that they can check it out and take care of it
prefect leader abillities
Although I applaud the prefects and all the work they do, sometimes even they need an extra pair of hands in the zones that I cannot enter as leader of the prefects. For example the common rooms, sleeping area’s and the house chats. This feels frustrating and it means I have to ask the prefects to make screen shots, which is extra work and in my opinion unnecessary.
Benefits of making it possible for a Leader of Prefects to enter said area’s:
- Less stress for prefects
- Helping hand when needed
- More controle on safety and bullying
- And overall: being able to be there and support and help my prefects.
~Scarlett Clark, Prefect Leader NL
Dumbledores grave - RP Forum
Dumbledore's grave would be a RP Forum where those can pay respect to our beloved Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, As I'm sure the students would know of Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. So it would be nice for students and graduates to pay there respect In-game, Could create some emotion.
Block/Ignore function
I am aware that a similar suggestion was declined two years ago, but I would like to try again with a few arguments as to why this would be a good function to have.
While general disrespecting and questionable behavior should be brought to the MoM or HM of the site, sometimes it's about a user who makes you uncomfortable or who you do not want to associate with, while the person hasn't actually done anything wrong that would warrant a ban.
It is impossible to like everyone you meet and sometimes it becomes hard on a person if they are forced to continuously interact with someone they want to avoid on the sites. This could very well be a reason that is not against rules, but just that you want to be left alone by the user and ignore them without seeing them message or owl you all the time. After a while it becomes very hard to keep this up, and if the other user makes it a point to, for example, talk to you and ping you in chat this leaves you with only the options to either suck it up and be nice to them despite your discomfort, leave the chat and site completely, or actually snap. Of course, we do not want these things to happen as the users of these sites are all very valuable and so is their comfort and safety while online.
This is something that I have been made aware of several times, both from my own perspective, but also as a prefect leader myself who has been entrusted with concerns about similar situations from others. Therefore, I would like to suggest this function one more time, and ask that it please be taken into consideration.
For this function to not disturb staff members in their work, I would also suggest that management members get the ability to override this function, or to simply make it impossible to block/ignore graduate staff members.
Be able to 'find' runaway pets with clicks or %
When a pet has runaway it could be fun if you could get it back by finding it when moving around on the page - like when peeves take money. So it could be like, if you are VIP perhaps, then you can get the message 'you have found your cat *name*' on the 700 click, or perhaps just having like a percentage of possibility to find it again, moving around on the page.
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