Be able to add a dash in your character' name
It came to my attention a long time ago that using a dash (-) is not possible when it comes to creating your character name. Today it came to my attention once again while changing my character's name. Lots of names use the dash and I think we should be able to use it on our character's names on-site as well when creating a character or changing your already existing name. Not only can we not use a dash in names, it's also not possible for us to use other special characters like accents when creating names
Customer support service by UserEcho
THIS. It would really help with double barrelled names, it would also save work for the MoMs since they don't have to spend the time explaining that it doesn't work. <33
Exactly, MoMs are able to use some special characters in the Admin but even then I think we should be able to do it ourselves when creating a character/changing your character's name. Dashes sadly cannot be added in admin as far as I am aware. It would be nice if we could use them from the get-go
If you were able to do it yourself, it would be a lot easier for MoM's, along with this... it would be more inclusive. Certain languages just use these characters... and some surnames have dashes in them. It would be great if we would actually allow these names. ^^
i think the problem is due to the slug used in urls, because that is usually symbolising a space.
I do think that is indeed the problem, perhaps there is a way around this? While I am no coder myself and have little knowledge on the subject I do believe there should be a way to avoid this (somehow) Or otherwise, another option could be to not include this into the URLs. Again, I have little knowledge about this stuff, haha.
Then perhaps turn the dash off for the slug/special characters and have it like a regular name. é turns into e in the slug. Shouldn't be too problematic. As well as remove the dash and add the name together for the slug. ^^
The é is also added through payment, not upon registration. People would have joined with a normal e.
It is weird to just have the options for special characters locked behind a paywall. You are leaving out a group of people who's names actually include these characters. We are able to change names to something with a special character, so I don't see why there is not an option to do so on sign in. ^^
It is mainly due to the slug. In order to have special characters in the slug, then it needs to take every special character and replace it upon registration, which can impact people and then there needs to be a system to check if there is a character with that same slug, then check if people have the same name just normally. There is a lot of work that needs to go into making this work.
You should definitely make a new post with the same suggestion extended to all special characters, because dashes are not the only characters not allowed when signing up ! :)
I wasn't able to edit my title/info anymore but I did add other special characters onto the explanation yesterday while I still could. You are right tho, haha. Thanks for the idea <3
Dashes are ones that cannot be added at all, special characters can be added if you mail the MoM/HM as they can add it for you
I think that depends on the site.
Well, all MoMs/HMs can add it, they may just want you to pay, but at the end of the day, they all have the ability
They do, but that was not what I said it to.
I'm going to take it that you meant not all sites allow special characters? (which I don't really see a reason for if I'm honest, unless it's to do with lore)
Or am I misunderstanding entirely?
Not all MoM/HM are going to do that. Just because sites do stuff differently.
Not all MoM's might want to have to do the extra work for such a basic feature. Special characters are part of certain names and I've always felt it rude to deny people their name, just because they are from a certain culture/country where these names are quite commonly used in names. ^^ Allowing it on sign-in will fix that issue.
I definitely think that this should be included for users, special characters and - can be avoided in the slug itself but should be allowed in the name if the user wishes to have a special character or hyphen.