Welcome to World of Potters international feedback portal.

On this page you can suggest ideas, vote for the ideas you like and help develop World of Potter.

All ideas and comments should must be in english.


Can't read names in owls

Someone_not_me 2 years ago 0

Hello, good evening everyone.

Today a friend and I needed to send an owl to 12 characters. When we tried to add everyone, we couldn't see the first line of the characters we just added:

Image 454

Second: After sending the owl we couldn't see every characters full name, cause of the box which gives us the opportunity to add others into the owl.

Image 455

Sorry for my sadly bad english. Have a nice day.

~ Me


Additional Paid Changes Suggestions - Alternatives to New Ad System

ajax 2 years ago 0

I'm sure you've heard of the feedback on the new ad system, mostly with it being rather disruptive to many people. I have a few ideas which might help fund the site. Of course, ads should still remain with the site but I do think we should go back to the old system where ads aren't popping up or blocking content.


It would be nice for people to gift profile changes such as age changes, house changes, name changes. Oftentimes, people might want to gift another person (especially while planning a relation) a change if the other user isn't able to do it themselves but are not able to as they would have to login to the other person's account, which of course, causes a lot of issues. It would be useful for these changes to be giftable.


I'm sure this was suggested before but it was never added. It might be good to be able to gift 5 month VIP to users much like we are able to gift 1 month VIP.


In addition to site equivalent of 'houses,' some sites have an additional thing users can have. In Olympians, there are Godly Parents and on other sites such as Marvels and Metahumans, there are different heritages/superpowers. I think it might be nice to be able to pay to change this without the user having to change the site equivalent of their house. I think this used to be doable in the past but it had since been removed.

Of course, none of these things are well refined yet. Any constructive feedback is more than appreciated!


New relations

Malou 2 years ago updated 2 years ago 0

Surely each of you knows it, you want to plan your character perfectly, have twins, half siblings, step siblings, stepparents, etc. and prepare everything but unfortunately you can not properly assign the relationships on WoP! A small collection of relationships already exists, but in my opinion still far from enough!

So I would advocate the following new relationships:

  • Ex-boyfriend/girlfriend
  • Ex-wife/husband
  • Half-siblings
  • Stepmother/father
  • In love with
  • Work colleague
  • False friend
  • Affair
  • etc.

I'm sure there are many people who have other ideas and agree with me too!

xoxo Malou (WoP DE)


New VIP Feature: Two Potions

Calypso Rebelke 2 years ago updated by anonymous 2 years ago 1

Not a long suggestion or description, but I would love to see a new feature where VIP users can have two potions brewing at once, would encourage more users to purchase VIP!


The Ability to Gift Hospital Wing Medicine to People Who Have Fainted

Hayley Pompey 3 years ago 0

I personally believe that having the ability to get people other than yourself out of the hospital wing, by buying the medicine for them, would be a great asset to the expanding World of Potter community. I would not only like to be granted the ability to help other people who are feeling sick, but be able to know that my World of Potter friends care enough to help me out. I would like this for many reasons that I will not waste your time trying to assure you that this would be a marvelous asset to the site and community of WoP.

- Hayley 


Search function in shops

Mooney 3 years ago updated by Vita Auden 3 years ago 1

Hello there,

First off, loving the site and all the people within it, y'all are so creative and there is so much fun stuff to do on site <3 

Now I shall get to the point, it doesn't need much explaining as I'm sure most of you have at some point have experienced getting tired from scrolling through the shops looking for that one item you need for a class and so on...

Also when you need multiple items and it sends you back to the top of the page after you purchase an item...perhaps I'm just an impatient person but either way I'm sure many people would benefit from this...so here it is: 

Can we please get a search function in the shops? 

Thank you and goodbye, have a nice day :)


On-site job application inbox

Marylin Collester 3 years ago updated by Maxi Olympotens 3 years ago 3

It would be neat if the job application feature was moved to the site instead of relying on an external e-mail service.

Since it could be an inconvenience having the applications sent as owls (if there is a change of team leader), perhaps a system similar to homework submission could be implemented. It could also be some kind of application sent to the team clubs.

In this way, you would not have to reveal your e-mail address. Leaders would also not have to check an external page to check if there are any new applications. Perhaps they could even get a notification from this new application system.


Size for Feedback on Homework

info 4 years ago updated by AlexandreD 3 years ago 1

After giving feedback on several different homework files it started to annoy me quite a bit that the size for the feedback field is extremely small. While I can type in a lot of suggestions, praise and other stuff, it's really hard to scroll through and mark a certain part to rewrite my own words when I see only so very little of what I wrote. 

I'd suggest making the answer part bigger to make it easier for us to correct others homework.


Inability to create a club

Zuli Beifong 4 years ago updated 4 years ago 3

For a few weeks whenever you try to create a club it sends you to an error page.

Image 419


Save Topic Responses as options: ‘Save as Draft’ or ‘Publish’

Nicholas Hawthrone 4 years ago updated by Maxi Olympotens 4 years ago 2

sometimes when I’m making a topic or replying to one, I either want to finish it later or I have to go somewhere. If you could have an option as ‘save as draft’ it would go to a new place called ‘saved topics.’ If I was making a topic, Then I could go to that page and continue my topic making. But if I’m replying to a topic, I could save as draft and go back into the topic, and it’ll be there.