Welcome to World of Potters international feedback portal.

On this page you can suggest ideas, vote for the ideas you like and help develop World of Potter.

All ideas and comments should must be in english.


Unsorted people as search category

Jenna Armstrong 6 years ago updated by Troy Hawthorn 6 years ago 1

This is also something I have run into during my work as Backstory Leader. My team works by dividing the Houses amongst them and searching on the Marauders' Map user list for them by House, then checking backstory, name and profile text.

Unsorted people fall between the cracks, as there is no way to sort the user list unless by House, thus, it's hard to find them when they joined ages ago. Now of course, we can't sort someone to a random House without them finishing the Sorting Hat quiz, but perhaps it would be a possibility to search the user list for them. Simply add the category 'Unsorted' to the user list under House, and we would easily be able to find them and check them.

Additionally, when editing an illegal name for an Unsorted person, not automatically place them into a House when saving 'edit user' but keep them as Unsorted. This way, if they return to the site, they can still finish the Sorting themselves.


Online Dot Beside Name

Allison_Brooks 6 years ago updated by miLLe 6 years ago 4

I think that when we are on the main page of the site or somewhere else, we should have a green dot to show if someone is online and a red one to show someone is offline instead of having to hover over someones name because it sometimes does not allow you to do that on mobile and just sends to straight to that persons wall.


'forum topics answered' achievement bug

~ Emma ~ 7 years ago 0

The achievement 'forum topics answered' bugs at my account. The achievement tracker says I've posted two answers at a (random) topic, which is correct. I' ve only posted two, but I've got the achievement that I already posted 5 of them.  It's not accurate. Of course, it is really nice to get an achievement, but I think this is not the right way of earning them. (WoP NL) 

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Make Grading Homework More Attractive To Students

Lisa 7 years ago updated by Jelina Emilia Hansen 7 years ago 4

If grading homework was more attractive to students, ATs/teachers would have less work/can concentrate on other things and the students wouldnt have to wait for more than a week until they get the grade.


Eat or Drink Until Satisfied

-bg 7 years ago 0

When clicking on food, instead of just having the option to eat one, maybe having the option to "Eat Until Satisfied" which would be around 90% fulfilled (or 100%). "Drink Until Satisfied" could be used on beverages, and this would definitely make it easier to.. you know... not faint all the time and it would save time clicking on  Eat" seventy-two times until that bar is sorta full.  


Pets Care Guide

Alice Pyxis Bulstrode 7 years ago updated by World of Potter 7 years ago 1

There are different emotions for the pets but there isn't a guide that tells us how to get them to stop being lonely. 

World of Potter 7 years ago

You need to cuddle your pets on a regular basis to make them happy. The guide is a good idea though, we suggest you text your minister for magic or headmaster about this. They can add a pets guide to the guidelines, if they find it a good idea (:


Food/Drink Tracker

Dyron Adelaide 7 years ago 0

It would be really usefull if there was some sort of track-system where I could see how much % I have left from my Food and Drink bar. And how much a certain type of meal would upgrade that bar.

That way we can make sure we eat or drink the exact amount of food instead of having to guess whether something will be enough or too much.


Not seeing feedback in varied homework

Jada Nightflame 7 years ago 0

When you have graded homework which ends up in varying grades, you get punished for your grade, and you click 'see feedback' there's nothing. I'd love to be able to see the feedback I gave, and the feedback that was given to me by the AT/Teacher, so I know what I could have done better :) 


duplicate club notifications

James Matthews 7 years ago updated by Kayte / Angela 7 years ago 3

Currently receiving duplicate notifications when approved for joining a club.

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Notification bug after chocolate frog cards

Zahra Southward 7 years ago updated by World of Potter 6 years ago 2 1 duplicate

Whenever I buy chocolate frog cards with ‘real’ money, I keep having this annoying notification that isn’t there to click away.