Welcome to World of Potters international feedback portal.
On this page you can suggest ideas, vote for the ideas you like and help develop World of Potter.
All ideas and comments should must be in english.
Wizard Cards
We should make Wizard Cards for staff members who have a huge impact on us <3 It's a good way to remember and thank them for all their help
Record book
I believe that we should start like a blog post or a like book in the library of different records.
For example: Most amount of owls in a single conversation, Most amount of points scored by one person in a quidditch season, ect.
This is a fun idea, but I would recommend you to suggest this to the leader of the library from the website you are on :)
buy name change with galleons
The idea is it's 20 euro'd to change name what if you can change name with 20.000 galleons?
Article title change doesn't show up in notifications
Whenever the title of an article is edited, it still shows the first title in the notifications. It would be great if this were to change, too!
Add filter for surnames in the userlist
I think this is somewhat straightforward. There are filters for year, house, gender, etc. in the userlist, it might be useful to have one for surname.
Option for only viewing posts on wall
When you click on a profile there´s an option to view the wall, profiletext etc. So I was thinking that perhaps it would be a good idea to add another option called wallposts. That way you would be able to read the user´s posts without having to scroll through countless achievements, clubmemberships, new friendsships etc.
Alternatively, you could add the option to hide certain achievements, new friendships and so on from the wall, since you can still see them if you look at emblems or the friendlist. That way the walls wouldn´t be so cluttered.
Horcrux status
You could add the status to have a horcrux. This ensures random people can't go around becoming immortal and splitting their soul, something which should be very rare. And especially young people.
Option to disable certain notifications on your /user page
If someone is totally not interested in seeing who created which topic, they could disable notifications for that. Don't need to know who became best buds? You could disable the "is now friends with" notification! This could be a VIP-thing only.
chat lagging (august 2017)
Several mentions of lagging have been heard in the Great Hall chat recently, and since it seems to be an issue for many I'd like to point it out to the people who might actually be able to fix it!
Not sure when it started, but I'd say it's been 1-2 weeks
I for one have found that pretty much each time I reload the site, the chatbox takes up to a minute to "connect". This goes for both house chat, and great hall (I'm hardly ever on the others)
I'm fairly certain it's not my internet, as I've been using the same wifi as usual.
I hope it's something fixable, as it gets a bit annoying being disconnected (up to a minute) from the chat every time I click around on the site! Thanks in advance!
Darling Walsh, WoP EU
World of Potter Caribbean Server.
I know that there a plenty of World of Potter English speaking sites such as UK, EU, and US. What I am suggesting is a Caribbean site where user's who live in the West Indies or are from the West Indies can have a magical world to themselves and meet people that know and understand there culture and how things are. Not only that but they themselves could immerse themselves in a World where only your imagination is the limit. I am from the West Indies and visit quite often. I have introduced Harry Potter books and the movie to some of the people in the parish where I used to live. Not only kids but a few adults seemed very interested in what the books had to offer a whole brand new world full of creatures they have never heard of it was. A few months ago I went down for a funeral it was a sad time by also a happy one. I walked around the village with a few other teenagers and my cousin and we started talking about Harry Potter. I told them about the World
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