Welcome to World of Potters international feedback portal.

On this page you can suggest ideas, vote for the ideas you like and help develop World of Potter.

All ideas and comments should must be in english.


Flag owls - like Outlook mail

AurigaW 10 months ago 0

Hello, any chance we can have a flag button in owls? 

Essentially like Flag in Outlook mail. 

Or make it a star or tick box, whatever works so that you could mark the owl for yourself? 

Cause sometimes you read an owl, and you want to respond after checking something, or asking someone first etc, but the second owl is unread you cannot reverse it and you cannot mark it and it can get lost in your other owls, especially if you have a site job and get a lot of them a day. 

So IRL in Outlook I would flag the message, it leaves it yellow and gives the wee flag (I am sure you know what I am talking about), that way I know to get back to it later and can go on and read the other messages that are easier/quicker to respond without fearing I will forget about the first one.... so can you do something similar? A flag or star that would mark the owl so you know to get back to it? 

Thank you


Idea for Lucky packet

asher brooks 2 years ago 0

It would be cool if it also bettered your chances for the daily riddle and anagram to be worth more. Like if the minimum value is x you would always get x+2 or more. Or you were just more likely to get the one with maximum value. 


Permanently Deleting Letters

Fawn 2 years ago updated by asher brooks 2 years ago 1

If I go onto recently deleted on jade mountain, could it be possible to permanently delete the recently deleted letters because its been getting a little laggy now every time I get onto my account. 


Messed up lessons after submitting homework

asher brooks 2 years ago 0

If you haven't submitted homework the lesson is normal and as it was coded. But after you submit the homework the height of the lesson is way shorter (up to 200px) so the scroll bar appears and you have to scroll to see the whole lesson. And since the lesson takes so little place the homework can be seen right away. This only happens after submitting homework on multiple browsers, phone and computer alike, on multiple WoX sites for more users than just me. 


Abillity to turn off seasonal themes

L M M 2 years ago updated by Someone_not_me 2 years ago 1

The seasonal themes can sometimes make it difficult to read. Could you make it possible to turn off without having to enable dark mode?


Ability to Create Unique Relations

Adalia Light 2 years ago 0

The ability to customize relations. Still only something for VIP users, but with a little more spice. There should be an option to choose between the usual relations for a site, and an option to name your own relation. This would add an element of personality and opens creativity for more specific relations. 


More Relations

winnie 2 years ago updated by Lexy 2 years ago 1

As you can easily see, World of Potter has quite a few possibilities with relationships like "Godchild", "Best Friend" and similar relationships. However, I personally miss more, better classifiable relationships. I would like to list some examples here:

- "Normal friends". That is, friends with whom you are not best friends, with whom you just spend time, but also do not share everything with them.

- More family options: Parents, siblings and cousins are great - but what about grandparents and grandchildren? After all, characters age here too - or uncles and aunts, nieces and nephews... that sort of thing!

- More romantic options: In love? Newly separated? Divorced? That would be just a few examples that I think could also be used to narrow down the romance on WoP a bit more.

These are all just rough ideas that I'm sure could be expanded on a bit - but maybe you'll find some people with similar opinions who would welcome a wider range of relationships as much as I would.



Ledger Hunting 2 years ago updated by Vita Auden 2 years ago 1

I’m getting a little tired of having to hunt through notifs to find important things like topics and such, and so I thought, what if we got rid of the notifications that told you someone liked something on your wall?

You’d still get a notif when someone replied to something on your wall, but it would make it a lot easier to hunt and find stuff.

An alternative to that could be that you are able to remove notifs, or change settings to make it personalized, you could choose what to receive notifs for.

It wouldn’t be an immediate thing, but I think it would be a nice way to make the site more usable, and less threatening for users, if they didn’t receive 50 billion notifs on someone liking everything on their wall.


Unlock a second brewing room

Jenna Armstrong 2 years ago updated by uktodaynews news 2 years ago 2

Hi! My idea was to add an option to unlock a second brewing room after successfully brewing an X amount of potions (50 seems like a reasonable amount). This way you get rewarded for your potion brewing perseverance and you can make even more!


Submit complaint button on homework already been graded by ATs/Professor

Billie Easton 3 years ago 0

I have recently noticed that there is no potential option to submit a complaint against a grading on a homework which has been graded by the AT or Professor of that specific subject. Graders that constantly copy and paste gradings cannot get punished as per usual when homeworks get graded by five different users. 

An AT/Professor cannot view the gradings of other users through normal grading when they are issued Ungraded works in admin thus allowing invalid gradings to 'slip through the net' without the potential of being punished. Yes, typically in this scenario, an owl will be sent to the Professor with suitable evidence so that they can issue a warning of some degree to the grader in question but this is not consistent to what is usually experienced in a normal scenario where the grader will lose house points.

What I propose is that we add a submit complaint button on homeworks that have already been graded by either an AT or a Professor of the subject - perhaps we do not feel that the AT or Professor gave us a personalised grading (albeit this is very very unlikely) or maybe we want to report the grading which has slipped past all rules. 

If this is not possible, allow AT's or Professors to view gradings in the admin section where ungraded works appear instead of hiding these gradings and forcing Professors to search through the archives for these gradings. Thank you for your time, and I hope this all made sense (it is a bit confusing I guess)!