
More Relations

winnie 2 years ago updated by Lexy 2 years ago 1

As you can easily see, World of Potter has quite a few possibilities with relationships like "Godchild", "Best Friend" and similar relationships. However, I personally miss more, better classifiable relationships. I would like to list some examples here:

- "Normal friends". That is, friends with whom you are not best friends, with whom you just spend time, but also do not share everything with them.

- More family options: Parents, siblings and cousins are great - but what about grandparents and grandchildren? After all, characters age here too - or uncles and aunts, nieces and nephews... that sort of thing!

- More romantic options: In love? Newly separated? Divorced? That would be just a few examples that I think could also be used to narrow down the romance on WoP a bit more.

These are all just rough ideas that I'm sure could be expanded on a bit - but maybe you'll find some people with similar opinions who would welcome a wider range of relationships as much as I would.

I agree we need more relations here is some of the relations i am missing. 

Uncle/Aunt - nephew/niece
Family member (might cover family relations thats not just the ones we have)
Class mate