Welcome to World of Potters international feedback portal.
On this page you can suggest ideas, vote for the ideas you like and help develop World of Potter.
All ideas and comments should must be in english.
quidditch pitch booking
I don't know if this is do able, but if you could book/use the quidditch pitch (where you have the games) to train on, it would be nice. Right now we have to use other chats or even programs, to train quidditch, and it would be nice if there was a way to do this on the site, and with only the team (so not on house chat). And if you do it on the quidditch pitch you could implement a lot of the things that is used in the matches. Of cause it would be nice if people who are not on the team gets a "you are not suppsed to be here" message, if they try to attend the practice
Friend come up first in gift recipients
Say I want to send something to “Drew” or “Max” and I can’t for the life of me remember how to spell their last name. It would be nice if the ones in my friendliest comes up before the rest of the maxes and drews. If that makes sense.
Signature on Wall Posts
Although wallpost can be automatic, when it comes to posting your own wallposts or posting on others people's, theres something that would make VIP a lot cooler. What if your signature showed up on wallposts as well? Sure it's not mandatory but neither is the signature in general, I think it would be really amusing and beautiful as well!
Search for items in store
Don't you just hate it when you're looking for one specific thing in a store and you can't find it!! Or when it takes you five minutes to find a book, the ability to search for items in the store would be a huge help. <3
Be able to edit your assignments
I often forget to put in my sources, and then I remember after I've clicked submit the assignment. I am proposing a five-minute window where you could go back and edit the assignment to correct any mistakes you realised you have made after submitting it. This is similar to the ability to edit a topic after posting.
Gift someone a 1 time name change pass
On the user profile, maybe someone can request a name change so then it will show up on their wall, and then another user can gift them a name change pass. Once somebody has gifted them the name change pass, then request will automatically be taken down so then there is no confusion.
WoX general feedback vs specific site feedback
It may help if there is a way to clarify the use of the feedback forum as being for the World Of sites in general. I feel people find it hard to distinguish this from issues pertaining to a specific site under the umbrella (especially newer users). Not sure how this would be achieved, but if there’s a way to make it clearer, that would be great. It would help the right feedback to go to the right places and prevent unnecessary topics being created.
this is a great idea but unfortunately we cannot do it. The feedback forum we are using here is not coded by us, is an external platform which we just linked to our sites with the green button. But this means that we cannot add extra categories or menus to select things, etc.
Currently if there is a feedback in here that is just specific to one site, we (owners and mugwumps) forward the feedback to the MoMs and HMs of the site so they can deal with it directly. Everything else is dealt with by us.
Change topics order
I think it would be cool to have an option in each topic that would allow us to change the reading order so we could start from the beginning and work our way downwards instead of upwards
Extra padding on Profile Texts and Backstories
When you have no VIP on WoP, the text you write is the standard, uneditable Times New Roman. This is fine, but it always really bugs me that there's no gap between the last line of text and the bottom of the page. The padding on the top, left and right is there, but not the bottom, so the box just ends abruptly instead of having a nice gap like on the other sides.
I believe this is also the case with codes, but don't count me on this. At least with VIP, you can add 1 quick line of code to sort it out xD but when you have no VIP, that's not an option and it kind of bugs me.
What I'm suggesting is that you add padding to the bottom of Profile Texts and Backstories. It's literally, like, 10 seconds of work xD so it could be super easily implemented.
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