Welcome to World of Potters international feedback portal.
On this page you can suggest ideas, vote for the ideas you like and help develop World of Potter.
All ideas and comments should must be in english.
😍 love it
World of Potter is really fun. You get to submit homework, talk to people in the chat, and live your own Harry Potter life!
Delete An Account
You would not believe how many times I've made an account and made a mistake with the name or status and wanted to start over. Although because we cannot delete accounts it's very difficult to do that. If you want to make another account for any reason you have to create a new email all over again because it cannot be used twice. Some people also just don't want an account for some reason. I have a few accounts that I wish I could delete but there is no way too.
You can delete every account that you want by sending a private message from that account to your minister of magic or headmaster ^^
Hearts </3
Okay, I understand that I am single.... But it is rude of the site to keep reminding me that I'll probably end up alone with 2 cats, 5 goats and an otter. Yes, an otter. The site keeps eating every freaking heart that is added in a comment through the classical old school writing of the textmessage-generation; "<3". If I can not show my love, how will I ever not be single???
(That was my exam-procrastination ramble for today, thank you for listening.)
Change the slug system
It seems like a dilemma with the slug on users, because if you make a new profile with a name another one has had before they changed their name, they will get the same slug and overwrite each other. I found out of this after making an old character and putting him up to age.
Off course I have asked to get the slug on one of them changed, but my surgestion is changing the slug to a number, this way it will be easier for the background team too...
Pin messages in owlery
If there is a certain owl/thread of messages that you don't want to lose, you would be able to pin it to the top of your owlery.
Sort owlery
It would be nice if owls could be sorted in sections.
Like for example: Relations, work, IG, topic, or by person.
Personally I have a lot of owls I can't delete because of reasons and it causes me to lose track of what is what. I don't know if anybody else is having this problem.
Chat filters
Delete all consecutive messages from the same user instantly if it is the same as the previous message. This removes the unnecessary spamming of chat and other complications.
Read previously submitted homework
can we get a place to read all the assignments we’ve submitted? If going to Your Homework, all we see is the feedback, I want to see what I actually wrote... Going to the specific classes only lets you read the ones from previous weeks the same school year, so if I’m in my second year at week 2, cant see any of my submitted homework for year one after week two.
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