Welcome to World of Potters international feedback portal.
On this page you can suggest ideas, vote for the ideas you like and help develop World of Potter.
All ideas and comments should must be in english.
Multiple choice option for wands
It would be really cool to have some say in the kind of wand you wish to have, so my suggestion is a multiple choice option for wand length/wood/hair where you fill it out and get to choose for yourself rather than having to choose from a limited number of presets.
An "outstanding +" grade
I have graded a good amount of assignments so far and I have seen some truly amazing homework, well-written and interesting, and other that meet the requirements answering in 3 lines, but nothing more about it. And I must admit that I feel kind of sad to give Outstanding to both of them, even if I make sure to add extra congratulations and compliment in the first one's feedback. I think that an "outstanding +" grade would be great, for people who meet the requirements AND really put some effort/creativity in the homework.
Member/Administateur club
I think that will be good to show club's Administrators in the members page.
Moreover, we could display the number of members taking into account the administrators.
Name/link to topic visible on Marauders map when reading a topic
An easy access to topics through the map. Makes it easy for others to follow topics, access topics during plots and also show how many people are reading your topic (primarily for fun).
So instead of the map saying you're "on the map" when reading a topic, it would say "Reading topic *insert topic name with direct link*"
Was a good feature at the old WoP page.
Saving Your Articles
When I'm writing an article to post for the house Notice Board, sometimes I accidently delete the tab that I was typing on and I have to start over. Or sometimes I have to reload and then I have to start over. So that there are ways that this can be prevented, I think it would be a good idea to make it possible to save an article, but not post it.
A FIX for the difference between the Preview and Publishing
Please can you fix the differences that arise between the previewing stage, when coding a post, and the published stage. When posting for 'The Daily Prophet' all of the coding will be correct and the preview will look perfect, but after it has been published it will look nothing like what i have coded it to look like. Even down to different fonts on different paragraphs when I have used the same font throughout. Thank you.
Seriously, fix the damn pronouns it's really bugging me
Subscription to other houses notice boards
So very often someone will have a column on their house-notice boards and then people from other houses can't read it. Often however people just owl the column to others so everybody can read what someone has written. It would be nice, if you could subscribe to a column of a specific person and then you will get the column for a small fee or something. Like how in the books owls deliver the daily prophet and then the wizard has to pay the owl to get the newspaper
Make more food edible
I've noticed there is some food around WoP, that you are not able to eat, like cheese in the Magical Menagerie and peppermint leaves in The Apothecary. I know people usually don't eat peppermint leaves, but it's still quite possible.
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