Welcome to World of Potters international feedback portal.

On this page you can suggest ideas, vote for the ideas you like and help develop World of Potter.

All ideas and comments should must be in english.


Quiditch Cards

Michael Dirkson 3 years ago 0

Wizarding cards of Teams and Players so we can keep collecting cards



Diana Jackson 3 years ago 0

When you faint I believ you should be able to visit the bank to get the 200 obols that you need.


Bolds, Italics, and strikethrough in the chat

NIVEYYY 3 years ago 0

If you could include bold underline or strikethrough  or italics, it would really benifit the delivery of your message to decrease misinerpretation and conflict due to that.


12 weeks in the IG Year?

Didi 3 years ago updated by Vita Auden 3 years ago 1

Hello everyone! 

First of all, I know there is already a topic about this, and that the idea was declined (Here: https://feedback.worldofpotter.eu/en/communities/1/topics/873-12-weeks-of-the-wop-year). But I haven't found an explanation for that, and I would like to bring this up again. 

Since the months of July and August are combined into one week, I propose to separate them. So July is Week 11, and August is Week 12. That way, we get more time to roleplay summer holidays, and develop the life of our characters. To be honest, to write 2 months in 1 week is really difficult, and I think some people would appreciate the extra time. 

I don't suggest we add another week for homework (doesn't make sense, since students wouldn't be at school in those months), but instead, exams can last for 2 weeks. maybe? 


Extended Family Relation

Jess4ever 3 years ago 0

I think that instead of a cousin relation, we should have an extended family one. This could cover cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and anything else that fits into the category. 


Clubs For Different Years Of Hogwarts

Jess4ever 3 years ago 0

I was thinking that depending on what year you're in (1, 2, 3, etc), you could be an a club. You'd automatically join year 1 when you got sorted. The clubs would have different resources depending on the year. For example, year 1 might have some basic guidelines to the site, while the graduated one would have a list of the different jobs and their requirements. They could have places to introduce yourself, set up topics, request partners for homework, ask for relations, and anything else. It would be a great way to meet people!


Notification When You're A Meal Away From Fainting

Jess4ever 3 years ago 0

I often faint because I don't check my bar. I'd love to get a notification when I have one meal left before fainting. 


to be able to create draft letter messages

Maisie 3 years ago updated by Thana! 3 years ago 5

Sometimes your computer crashes or you phone dies, if you could make drafts then you wouldn't have to worry about loosing your work.


needs VIP for top points holder

bo 3 years ago updated by World of Potter 3 years ago 2

Top point holders in house points shall be awarded with VIP 

World of Potter 3 years ago

Some sites already do this within the yearly awards or the house awards, so this is something you should bring up with your site leader, please (: 


Header interfering with chat

Emelie 4 years ago updated by Maxi Olympotens 3 years ago 4

On the mobile website, the permanent header makes it unable for you to close the chat. As a result, you cannot see whole pages on the website.