
Save Topic Responses as options: ‘Save as Draft’ or ‘Publish’

Nicholas Hawthrone 4 years ago updated by Maxi Olympotens 4 years ago 2

sometimes when I’m making a topic or replying to one, I either want to finish it later or I have to go somewhere. If you could have an option as ‘save as draft’ it would go to a new place called ‘saved topics.’ If I was making a topic, Then I could go to that page and continue my topic making. But if I’m replying to a topic, I could save as draft and go back into the topic, and it’ll be there.

This would be very helpful because on numerous occasions I've been writing a very lengthy reply then I shut down my computer and I lose all the work that I did.

This would be a very helpful feature!

This would be a great feature yes! And I would absolutely appreciate if it was added, but for anyone currently struggling, I would suggest writing topics in places such as Google docs, where things save automatically!