Welcome to World of Potters international feedback portal.
On this page you can suggest ideas, vote for the ideas you like and help develop World of Potter.
All ideas and comments should must be in english.
Profile galleries
Next to the profile text and the backstory there should be a section for galleries. An opportunity to upload photographs, aesthetics and other pictures of your character, faceclaim or something they like. So you don't have to include that in your Codes.
select all button for owls
as Head of House or all other management and Head Master and MoM are sending multi-owls and forgot to hit hide until reply. It would come in handy to have a select all button in the owlery/mailbox etc. So we don't have to delete every owl one by one. Especially when you a lot of users on site.
Ability to drag and reorder lessons
Currently on WoP US, I am a newer professor. Now, I am trying to alter a lot of the lessons to fit my liking, and for a lot of those, that means rearranging lessons around and the order of which they appear. Some of them I keep with the same general tone and overall theme of what the past professors had, so for the time being I just put it in the same spot. But when I go to change it around again, and I want to put it in earlier in the year, I have to go through each individual lesson and copy and paste into the next week, which is not only annoying, but time consuming. So, much like how you can rearrange whole classes and years, I think you should be able to drag and reorder lessons.
I'm sure this would be a great help to not only myself, but others!
Fix Fireworks going off again
Fireworks is cool enough, but please fix it so that fireworks don't go off multiple times upon a refresh D:
Sorting owls by people
Okay, so I have a lot of owls. I know many others on the site have thousands of them (how on earth do you manage that??) and it gets messy. I've seen a suggestion where one can sort the owls into folders/catagories. I though, would prefer to sort them by who the owl is with. So if I have an already existing owl with Bob, I should be able to just click on Bob's name on a box on the side, and then the page would show me all the owls I have with Bob. And of course, with group owls, that would be weird. So maybe have a category for all group owls? And I can see how the list of people would be waaaay too long for some people who are way more social than me. Maybe one can just search for the person in a search bar? Either way, I just want to be able to sort through my owls by recipient :)
First of all thank you for your feedback! Unfortunately this won't be possible now that we have the folders. But you can create folders for the different people and put the specific owls in there, or you can search the person and see all their owls.
Graphics and Decorations
The default colors are pretty easy on the eyes, so I appreciate that, but it would look even cooler if the background was a dark brown and the boxes were a parchment color to give it more of a Hogwarts feel.
Allow automatic rejection letter on SE (and other smaller sites)
SE is still a small site with about 130 members and not much applications to look over.
However, with such a small site I think it's possible to add "Automatic Rejection Letters" attached to the club linked with the job you're applying to. Like you do with applications to the Quidditch-teams.
To apply for a job you send an email and also apply to join the respective Club. For example The Teachers Club.
In this club, there's an option to write automatic Rejection Letters which you write one time.
For example "Sorry, you have not been hired. Better luck next time, best regards Principal X" or something similar. (No reasons needed)
If you're not hired, the one hiring just needs to press the red X-button in the club for an automatic owl to be sent to the one who applied and got rejected.
For bigger sites like EU I know this might not be possible due to more applications, but for smaller sites, for example, SE (with about 130 active members) this is a possibility and would relieve a lot of anxiety both for members and staff who gets bombarded with owls.
I have to pay for animals names even though I am VIP
As the subject says it will charge me for changing name on my new pet even though I am VIP :(
Function to cancel some advices at the home page
Is it possible to unsubscribe some news feeds at the welcome page?
Maybe it could be possible to unsubscribe only some news feeds for clubs oder for some other functions like chocolate frog cards. Then it would be a little bit more organized what news are shown at the welcome page. And you didn’t have to scroll soo much if you’re looking for an important post like an announcement for a subsitute teacher for example.
Bug: Owl Notification Error
We all love getting owls, its one of the most basic and fantastic features on the site. But beware, this place is full of danger, you must take desperate measures to guard yourselves and your IG families or you will be added among the permanently afflicted. Of course I speak of none other than the dreaded "Permanent Notification Disease"!
Permanent Notification Disease is no laughing matter, it is highly contagious and can be brought upon in a number of ways. I personally have one Slytherin account stuck simply on just one notification... but on a Hufflepuff account I am stuck with no more than 8 notifications that simply will not go away. Unfortunately this disease is very prominent among the Hufflepuff community as I have later found out in my research.
If you have a little red box sitting above your owls with a number... and yet when you click on your owls it is to discover there are no owls there but the notification remains... Congratulations! You are now one of the many afflicted with this terrible virus. Those of us afflicted with this terrible disease have sought desperately to find a cure though to no avail. Will you help us? Will you make our accounts clean once again?
Tune in next time to find out!
(This is very prominent on WoP UK, I don't know about other sites)
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