Welcome to World of Potters international feedback portal.

On this page you can suggest ideas, vote for the ideas you like and help develop World of Potter.

All ideas and comments should must be in english.


Grading classes you want

Someone_not_me 2 years ago 0

Hey human-beings,

there are many who doesnt want to grade homeworks. To be fair, I am someone like this. I'm afraid that I get a class I dont want to grade.

On the german wop there are 65 open homeworks. Some assistenz teachers said, that more people should grade homeworks. To help the problem, you could put in an option, which classes you want to grad (only subjects, not lessons).

For example. I like to grade the subject astronomy, but not history.

I hope u understand what I mean, my english is sadly really bad.


Add back timestamp on comments

Vita Auden 3 years ago 0

Since the like feature on comments, there is no way to see when the comment was posted. It would be great to have that back, because some posts use the timestamp in order to keep track of a deadline for posting a comment in regards to a game or a competition.


Some new features maybe..?

Jughead Jones 3 years ago 0

My ideas refer to design and some extra features for WoP and could be helpful to get the feeling of the Harry Potter universe without getting problems with copyrights and stuff. So please read first. 😊 (And pls be nice with my english skills… xD)

  1. My first idea is to edit the whole design of the website. In my opinion it would cool, to get a feeling of mystery of a wizarding world, so maybe it would be possible to create a interesting background for WoP. (Yes, it is also possible without getting problems with copyright)
  2. The design of items and animals could a little bit more realistic. A better care function for animals would be cool too, especially the „Feed“-function is really more needed on the animal site and not on the item site.
  3. A function for selling items which you don´t need anymore.
  4. An indiviual or just a background pic on every character profile.
  5. I know that english language is different but in german it would be nice to gender. For example Mitglieder_innen, Freund/Freundin, Feind/Feindin (on character profiles - relationships) etc.
  6. In my opinion is the level-up function underrated. To gain some coins or something else buy leveling up could be nice.
  7. More interaction with items, especially special items. It´s a little bit meh, only to „have“ them.

In real life I´m a Gamedesign and 3D-Animation Student and I may know some stuff, so my ideas are just suggestions and they are not perfect. But I wish a better „feeling“ for all users on WoP to be creative in writing and live their adventure on Hogwarts. I hope you understand. xD

Thank you very much for reading.


Better HTML for the wall posts

mikowashere 5 years ago 0

The major of the HTML codes don't work properly as posts of the wall so is a waist of money if you buy your VIP wanting to post anything with an idea and you can't make it work because of the HTML.

I'm hoping for the HTML codes works the same in the wall that in the notice board or profile text. 


checkmark mail messages

Maddie Mitchell 6 years ago 0

At this moment, when you send an user a Owl/PM/BM/Mail, you have no idea if the user you send it too have read it. I would like to see that there will come a function that you can see that an user has read/opened it. This way the user can't say that they haven't read it, like they can do now. 
Just a simple checkmark would be sufficient, and would stop the endless wondering that the sender could have at this moment. 


House-Newspaper as actual Journalist-Jobs

Evallia 6 years ago updated by World of Potter 5 years ago 6

Those Teams,which create House-Specific Newspapers should get an actual Journalist-Job,

since they do the same amount of work as players working for the daily prophet or the Quibbler.

The only difference is that less people read their articles, which dosn't make it a more appealing job.

But still the teams keep their House-Newspapers and extra-articles like Quidditch-reports and Event-reports going without much credit for it.

So an real Job and maybe colord Names (maybe House colors) would be some way to appreciate this work. If a distinction between over-all-Jobs and House-internal-Jobs is desired, at least give a colored name outline, colored first letter or shadow.
The desire for an visual highlight is simply because a lot of (especally new) players, don't even know about those Newspapers and Articels (however they manage to overlook the notification for it). If there would be an actual indication that People are working on it, or an entry in the Job listing, it could bring more attention to it and also convince players to join those teams. 

Right now it is hard to find Authors for those Jobs, since it dosn't get acknowledged site-wise, and in the end everyone wants a little acknowledgement for their work,right? 


Be able to eat at shops for a price

WoPideasblahblah 6 years ago updated 3 years ago 9

I think one should be able to eat, like in the great hall, at the different food shops - or perhaps just one of them. So instead of having a bunch of food in you inventory, you could go to a shop and eat for 3 galleons, if you would prefer that, to have the food in your chest.


Marauders Map showing at what you are learning

Bash 6 years ago updated by Amber Malcom 6 years ago 1

At the moment when a student is doing homework, it will say that they are at the class, for example "at Transfiguration classroom." This is pretty generic and I think it would be really cool to see what they are actually learning.

So for example, if a student is at the Transfiguration lesson where they learn the Wingardium Leviosa Charm that the Marauders Map would show:

Sebastian Hawthorne is "learning the Wingardium Leviosa charm"

There are different ways that this could be implemented, but one of the ways would be that the professor has the option to couple an "action" to their lesson in the admin class creation page. That way they could decide what would show on the Marauders map and a teacher wouldn't be limited in their curriculum at all.


Buy/earn house-elves as pets

Theo Cooper 6 years ago updated by FLD 6 years ago 1

Buy or earn House-elves

Something I think World Of Potter is missing are house-elves. Right now it is only possible to play in house-elves. I think it might be fun if you either had the opportunity to buy them, just like other pets, or open them through missions.

If it were to happen through purchases, I think these should be extravagant and expensive. In a much higher price range than, for example, the Pensieve, since in the wizard world, only the richest families who own house elves. In addition, I think there should be an age restriction, so, for example; you as 14 years old, do not have the opportunity to own such one, but instead you have to be graduated

If they were to be through missions, I think that in the same way, they should be age-blocked, so it's only graduates who can open this mission. I think the mission could be like the current "The Forbidden Forest" unilvering mission.

Reasons to launch this new feature:
- It could create a whole new dimension on the World of Potter.
- New opportunities to develop the page and enter the section on the page.
- Bring the whole house-elves concept to the World Of Potter.

(I would like to apologize in advance for my English).


Pin things

mcl 7 years ago updated by Kayte / Angela 7 years ago 2

You can choose one post on your wall to pin to the top. Like tweets