Welcome to World of Potters international feedback portal.

On this page you can suggest ideas, vote for the ideas you like and help develop World of Potter.

All ideas and comments should must be in english.


Custom Profile Banner (VIP USERS)

Wilbur Wright 4 years ago updated by SemillonIvaNova 4 years ago 1

I think that VIP Users could have the chance to get a custom banner in their profiles. It would be another reason to get VIP.


This would be another reason to get VIP

Profiles will look nicer and cool!

People have complained about their banners being ‘Not their theme’ And its ‘out of place’ With their IG Character.


This may make the site theme out of place.

I hope you consider this, as it would be very great for the WoX/WoP sites!


Under review

purchase crystals in game

callie gemini oleander 4 years ago updated by World of Potter 4 years ago 3


I think it would be lovely if we had to option to buy crystals in game!

They wouldn't need to serve a specific function, they could just be pretty things that could sit in our chests...

Crystals are canon, Neville uses an Amethyst pendant for protection, Fleur's tiara is adorned with diamonds, opal in the cursed necklace given to katie bell, pearls are used as potions ingredients and emeralds, sapphires and rubies are mentioned throughout. (Rubies in Godric Gryffindor's sword, Emeralds in the Slytherin house point sand timer thingy, Sapphires in Ravenclaws house point counter). I also think quartz should be available, as the crystal balls used in divination were traditionally made out of Quartz.

In Dervish and Banges, we already see diamond necklaces and a moonstone ring, why could we not purchase these along with individual crystals?

Please upvote this!


Remove Mood Text from Pets in the Kennel

Vita Auden 5 years ago 0

It would be nice, if the mood of pets weren't shown in the kennel, because people that don't understand how the kennel works often mention that it is a pity that all the pets in there are sad. It often gets very intense from some people about pet rights and how people are horrible for letting the pets be sad in there, and then asking if they are able to adopt these pets to make them happy.

So, I think it would be a good idea to remove the text for the pets moods, so that people don't get confused about what is going on with them, if they don't understand the feature. Seen it multiple times, and sometimes it is easy to explain it and sometimes it is intense, because they channel their opinions on animal safety in real life to virtual pets.


Seeing followers of a topic in the admin

Lilah North 5 years ago updated by Henrietta Nagy 4 years ago 1


I would like to suggest something to add to the admin of staff members. The ability to see who is following your topic would really come in handy. When we communicate a lot through a club it is good to know who receives the information and who doesn't. When we can see which users follow topics it will help to see who's reading your updates/information etc. Hopefully you'll take this in consideration. Thanks a lot for now!


The Fainting System

Hufflepuff 5 years ago updated by Vita Auden 5 years ago 2

So, we recently had the free VIP system removed. Its purpose was to bring and attract back users, and this sometimes worked. In other situations, it didn't and users seemed to be taking advantage of it. So we can see why it was stopped. However, now that there is nothing to bring users back, there is still the fainting system, which if anything, makes users close the site and not return. It's discouraging and I genuinely don't see why it's even on the site. I'm someone who cannot keep up with the time available to feed my characters (this is even more annoying for users with several characters.) I've often found myself logging on the site to work on replies or anything I have to do and end up getting the fainted notification. It needs to be taken into consideration that not everyone has a lot of time to stick on the sites for longer than an hour in the first place.

On top of that, there seems to be the never-ending problem of users (especially those new) who create topics in the Hospital Wing forum claiming to have fainted IG. This destroys canon so much because if Hogwarts actually had hundreds of fainting students it'd be shut down. Point is, it gives students a reason to break the rules of immersion, be it intentional or not.

So what can be done to fix this?

Completely abolish the fainting system. Users no longer need to feed their characters in the great hall. This serves no IC or OOG puprose whatsoever.

This will no longer demotivate users, allow everyone to not worry about hhaving to log on during the appropriate times, and reduce the numerous forums created in the Hospital Wing that break the rules.

Thank you, 

I hope to hear feedback soon.


    More Name Code Type Commands

    not me 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 1

    Hello! Everyone really loves using the {%FIRSTNAME%} codes in articles and stuff and I think it would be cool if we had more.

    For example-

    {%PFP%} - would give the persons profile picture link, ex. http://worldofpotter.com/user/profile/jane-doe/profile-picture

    {%HPOINTS%} - would give Hufflepuffs current points, there would also be one for all the houses.
    {%YEAR%} - current IG Year
    {%WEEK%} - Current IG Week
    {%YEARPOINTS%} - give the number of points the user has earned that year
    {%POINTS%} - give the number of points the user has earned in total

    These are some of the ones I think would be cool, if you have anymore ideas, let me know!


    have a 'gift sent' achievement

    Al Friggan 5 years ago updated by Elian Venture 5 years ago 2

    You get this achievement when you send certain amounts of gifts e.g (10, 25, 50....... 1000)


    Donation Center

    Erick Shank 6 years ago 0

    I think it would be great if there was a donation center for users to donate items they no longer want or need.  This way users can feel like they are contributing and not feel like they wasted money buying things and then having to throw them away.  I know users have the option to give them away, but others may not like asking. It would also be really great for new users.


    Getting xp by petting peoples animals?

    AmeliaScott 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 2

    The header kind of says it all but it would be rather nice if you got xp by petting peoples pets. 


    More Quests

    Emil 6 years ago 0

    I was thinking if we had more quests, players could be able to explore the site more. Quests might be like buying certain objects from shops, or something of the like. I am not sure what a quest would exactly be like, but one could be that a player is given a series of riddles, and they have to buy the items that are stated in the riddle. The prize would be galleons, or maybe frog cards.