Welcome to World of Potters international feedback portal.

On this page you can suggest ideas, vote for the ideas you like and help develop World of Potter.

All ideas and comments should must be in english.


Owling Friends

Deanna Cherry 8 years ago updated by Agnes Dupont 8 years ago 1

When I go to owl some one it is kind of annoying that I get every user with anything similar to who I am trying to owl. I think the first set of people show up when you are typing in a name to owl them should be people on your friends list, then maybe have a n option to look at other people who are not your friends.


RPG contest

Squirrel Jo 8 years ago 0

At the end of each year, each House votes for the better topic (or the entire school votes, but then it has to be a topic in a place everyone can be, not a Common Room for example)

Can be a great way to reward creativity for the RPG creators !


Feedback Achievements

Agnes Dupont 8 years ago updated by World of Potter 5 years ago 3

Achievements that recognize those helping to improve the website by creating or upcoming suggestions


Images for the League Teams

Vita Auden 3 years ago updated 2 years ago 8

It feels like, these should probably work again:

Image 443


pages on your profile wall

WoPideasblahblah 3 years ago updated 2 years ago 1

When you have a lot of posts on your wall it gets slow and it is impossible to go down and find something. It would be nice if it could be like topics so you have X-number of posts for each side and then maybe it will be possible to go down to your very first things.


More relationships (Flirt, Affaire)

Darja 3 years ago 0

I would like to have more relationships to set up, such as affair, flirt or other.


"Expelled" or "Dropped out"

Adrian Vidal 3 years ago updated by Didi 3 years ago 5

Having the option Expelled or Dropped Out next to year would be a fun diverse way to play with character development. Not all characters graduate some get kicked out and some voluntarily drop out of school. 

There are many users who have written in their backstories that they have been expelled or they have dropped out, so having graduated as their year is not really representative of their character.  

It would be great if we were able to add those options! 


Reading mode for topics

Zi/Ash 3 years ago 0

Topics should have a reading mode, which would show the topic replies in chronological order when enabled, instead of reverse order as is the usual case in site. If this was enabled, users would be able to read older topics like stories instead of scrolling backwards/upwards. Should not be very hard to implement I hope.


Gifting Multiple Items At Once (or, gift packages?)

Leah Kenyon 4 years ago updated by Ariana 4 years ago 1

I think that it would be nice to have the option to send multiple items in one's inventory at once as a gift — perhaps as a "gift package" feature, or simply that when choosing how many of one item you'd like to give someone, you can also choose to add more items.

There have been a few times where I've wanted to gift people multiple things at the same time and it can be a bit irksome to have to go back and forth between finding the item in my inventory, adding the receiver, adding a note, etc. Being able to "bundle" things would save some time in that regard, and also make a nice feature for those that want to send a little box of goodies to people :) 


Club member filtering

Glinda Rose 4 years ago 0

For clubs with a lot of members, you currently have to look through the entire list of members if you want to change someone's rank. It would be great to have a filtering system to search for specific members. It could have options such as "Filter by: Username / Rank / Member Since." That way, it'll be easier to find certain members to change their rank or delete.