Welcome to World of Potters international feedback portal.

On this page you can suggest ideas, vote for the ideas you like and help develop World of Potter.

All ideas and comments should must be in english.


Send Multiple Individual Iris Messages in One Message

Aramis Auden 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 2

So, we can all send group Iris Messages (or Owls), but I think it would be very beneficial if we had the ability to send messages out to multiple people with only one message, but it be individual messages instead of group messages. This feature could make peoples color jobs significantly easier when there is a need to message multiple people, but want it in individual messages.


~ Titles for characters ~

Izzy Jorg Rookwood 6 years ago updated by Troy Hawthorn 6 years ago 8

Hello everyone !

I thought an idea of adding a title before our names on WoT. For example " Lord Firstname Lastname " etc. I think it can be really interesting so instead knowing only our Social Status we can know each other's title and not searching into their BS or PT to find out. Perhaps someone can do that from 20th level and after ? Like an achievement as the map quest one ? So since we have the map quest that's about the 10th level, the users will have to work to go on 20th for the titles. We can add it on the column " More " that contains the friend list, chest etc so we can choose our title. Something to wait for them and they can pass more time in the site for it !!!

Here some ideas for titles:

  1. Lord: If you are coming from a noble house or you start your own allegiance/sigil ( The male version )
  2. Lady: If you are coming from a noble house or you start your own allegiance/sigil  ( The female version )
  3. Prince: Only a high noble can have that, depends of his house's status in community and the land he owns/rules ( The male version )
  4. Princess: Only a high noble can have that, depends of her house's status in community and the land she owns/rules ( The female version )
  5. Duke: It can be a monarch ruling over a duchy or a member of royalty or nobility, historically of highest rank below the monarch ( Male version )
  6. Duchess: It can be a monarch ruling over a duchy or a member of royalty or nobility, historically of highest rank below the monarch ( Female version )
  7. Baron: A rank of nobility or title of honour, often hereditary ( Male version )
  8. Baroness: A rank of nobility or title of honour, often hereditary ( Female version )
  9. Ser: This can be given only from the King. That can happen as a favor from tourneys or in topics ( and more ? )
  10. Knight: This can be given only from the King. That can happen as a favor from tourneys or in topics ( and more ? )
  11. Steward: This can be given only from the King. He can have legal mandate of the goverment on his name.
  12. Sealord: The Sealord is a non-hereditary, elected position. Once elected, they serve for life ( and more ? )
  13. Warden: This can be given only from the King. The Wardens command the armies of one of the constituent regions of the Seven Kingdoms in the name of Iron Throne for the defense of the entire realm.
  14. Squire: Is a young man that enters the service of a knight or lord usually with the promise of attaining knighthood at some point in the future, when the squire's master deems it proper.

    * If anyone has more ideas for titles add them bellow and i'm waiting for opinions :D


Library blocked

Even Lorance Oniel 6 years ago updated by Ontario Rogers Junior 6 years ago 5

I go to the library to use the computer every afternoon except Saturdays and it seems as if me and two other can't make an account and one time, I did make an account only to be blocked access and it said "no reason given". I am not the only one who spoke out abt this problem, people at my school who uses the library cant seem to access the site and I was wondering if the site is only available for certain states


Living Quarters

Akele Koi Karine 6 years ago updated by World of Potter 5 years ago 9

Yo! Everyone should have their own living quarters! For after school, we go back to our quarters for resting and bathing! I think it would be cool and you guys should name each living quarter and have them each split up for males and females!


Stay logged in

Jada Nightflame 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 4

Is the 'stay logged in' function supposed to keep you logged in even after closing and reopening your browser? Like how most sites have 'remember me' ?


Easier way to sort friends

Jada Nightflame 7 years ago 2 1 duplicate

I absolutely love the sorting friends feature, but the way it's designed right now makes it a bit hard to do if you have lots of friends. I suggest implementing a new way. Perhaps even just a list of the names of your friends would be easier, where you can drag the name (so without the picture to save space), or even just a system where you can add a ranking to each friend (#1, #2, and so on). The rankings would be optional so people can choose to only sort the people they want sorted, as they might not want to do it for all the other friends. I'm sorry, I don't think I explained it properly as my brain is melting atm, but maybe someone else can elaborate? Just wanted to submit before I forgot :)


Missing Chocolate Frog picture on EU

Jada Nightflame 7 years ago updated by World of Potter 6 years ago 3

I've noticed that for a long time now, there's no picture for the chocolate frog on EU. I've seen it there on other sites, but not here. It's a tad annoying as, when collecting cards, you also get a lot of frogs of course, but it looks kinda ugly in the chest without picture :')


Achievements for topics in different locations

FLD 7 years ago updated 6 years ago 4

As the title says I want some achievements for having subjects in different locations. I think it would make activity more places and could be fun to see how many different places one have been. It could either be with an achievement for each location or an achievement for being at 1, 5, 10.... places 


Access to Clubs when fainted

Ryker B 7 years ago updated by Aramis Auden 2 years ago 1

By allowing access to clubs, students and staff can continue to work to improve the site. This means that there would be less delay in the allocation and taking up of the jobs such as Prefect/Journalist/TA etc. 

It would also allow deadlines to be met that would otherwise not be met (such as end of week summary).