Some new features maybe..?
My ideas refer to design and some extra features for WoP and could be helpful to get the feeling of the Harry Potter universe without getting problems with copyrights and stuff. So please read first. 😊 (And pls be nice with my english skills… xD)
- My first idea is to edit the whole design of the website. In my opinion it would cool, to get a feeling of mystery of a wizarding world, so maybe it would be possible to create a interesting background for WoP. (Yes, it is also possible without getting problems with copyright)
- The design of items and animals could a little bit more realistic. A better care function for animals would be cool too, especially the „Feed“-function is really more needed on the animal site and not on the item site.
- A function for selling items which you don´t need anymore.
- An indiviual or just a background pic on every character profile.
- I know that english language is different but in german it would be nice to gender. For example Mitglieder_innen, Freund/Freundin, Feind/Feindin (on character profiles - relationships) etc.
- In my opinion is the level-up function underrated. To gain some coins or something else buy leveling up could be nice.
- More interaction with items, especially special items. It´s a little bit meh, only to „have“ them.
In real life I´m a Gamedesign and 3D-Animation Student and I may know some stuff, so my ideas are just suggestions and they are not perfect. But I wish a better „feeling“ for all users on WoP to be creative in writing and live their adventure on Hogwarts. I hope you understand. xD
Thank you very much for reading.
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