Your comments

This should already not be a thing that is allowed. I think it depends on which site you are talking about.

The way your comment was written made it seem like you questioned why it was shut down.

Why are you talking about wallposts? We were saying it doesn't make sense for chat.

it seems weird to do that in chat, as you can just talk to people directly.

The thing with not writing people into a message is due to you being fainted. Can you explain the other problems a little bit more, because it doesn't tell people much that you can't do some specific things, what happens? The floating date thing is a legit issue though, as it is a text leftover from hovering over a message in chat... also that is the time, just standard date format in coding.

I am guessing this is something specific to a single site, because I have no idea what this means.

Then that should be suggested to the leaders of that specific site, as this is for more generel things or specific things that need to be added to the many World of Potter. WoX is more isolated, so that needs to go to the dark green.

I have no idea what this suggestion means.

Exams don't save after a year is done. So you are able to take it again the next year.