Your comments

I don't see the point in this. You can just ask people to help.

Then there would need to be made new restrictions to the World Outside forum to allow them access, but feels odd to have a 12 years old there.

This was suggested three days ago in another post.

Once you were sorted, then there was a button under the house that said "Read the Beginner's guide".

You can find it if you press your profile picture and then go down to guidelines in thedropdown.

This is something to mention to the individual teachers, as they make the codes for classes.

Yeah, it is because of the Christmas design.
On EU they disable the theme, when there is a Quidditch game, so that it is possible to read, but you can remove the theme yourself on the page you are currently on by going into the browser inspect tool to remove the the christmas class from the body tag. (I don't know if that makes sense to other people).

Yeah ofc a draft system would be fine, but your message made it sound like your device kept crashing, so I tried to help. Sorry about that then.

you basically can use hallways for the clock tower and grounds as the courtyard

If your computer crashes, then I suggest getting it looked at, if it is a problem

The online statuses are something that takes a while to get (don't ask me why), so I don't think we should fill up the map with that kind of information.