What To-Do List Once You've Been Sorted

A C Quaye, Ravenclaw, 1st Year 3 years ago updated by Vita Auden 3 years ago 1

Can you guess I'm an Eagle?   Even still - despite a lovely albeit only vaguely informative welcome from a handsome fellow immediately upon Sorting I'm still finding me-self rubber necking (muggle idiom) my first day here.

Not that there aren't scads of friendly sorts about.  My first offer of friendship was a' Puff, a delightful non-surprise. (Whot? I read Hogwarts: A History,  I'm Muggleborn. Nae dim!)

I'm suspecting 'said List' does exist in one form or other and it was just placed in such a manner as to be less obvious to those of us with shorter naturally statures.  (Shorter because I'm eleven. Not because I'm a wee Manxie ill-fed runt!)

I'll go back to looking, then.  Cheers.  Happiest of Holy Days.


Once you were sorted, then there was a button under the house that said "Read the Beginner's guide".

You can find it if you press your profile picture and then go down to guidelines in thedropdown.