Your comments

New sites are created through collective paymemt to the site owner.

There can be added new relations sitewide, if it is added globally by the site owner, but if it is to do it like people do in WoX, then WoP can't.

The way this works, they would have to change the name of already existing relations


Perhaps mention to your site leader to add it to the beginners guide or ask in chat

So you are talking about the userlist and not the map? Just to be clear, because all the information seems irrelevant on the map, but seems relevant on the userlist.

I feel like this will be hard to implement, because there needs to be built a lot of logic and a lot of calls to the database. From the way the site works at the moment I think it will be hard to get it to be specific from the user that sent the message, as I think the pings are coded to fit the user that sees it. If one person is called something and another person is called the same, there needs to be built a lot of logic to make it so the correct people get tagged.

It is a thing that happens sometimes, but hasn't happened for quite a while.